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Yesterday, we linked to this post on The Movie Blog about the gathering storm of bad buzz hovering over Alien Vs. Predator. And now the guys at TMB think a Fox mole tried to slip in a good word about the coming sci-fi bomb in their blog comments. This comment, from someone posting as "Christine," seemed a little suspicious:

I actually went to an advance screening yesterday of AVP and it was not bad. It was actually entertaining. They probably dropped the screening because FOX has been having movies released almost every other week and they have more movies coming out in the very near future. Also the stars in the movie are not that well known.

Some sleuthing by TMB's Bubba seems to confirm their suspicions:

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you our first confirmed plant. Christine has posted from an IP of which is a direct line assigned to Fox. Seriously. Check it out. You can do a WHOIS search on the address here. So if you, like me, were wondering how somebody saw an advance screening of a film which has cancelled all of its advance screenings, you now have your answer.

The saddest thing is that the the alleged Fox plant could muster only a lame semi-endorsement like "AVP...was not bad" and "actually entertaining." If you're going to bother to try and counteract negative word-of-mouth by skulking around on blogs, at least throw in some extraneous exclamation points and feign some enthusiasm. Here, watch: "Alien Vs. Predator was not bad!!! It's not going to be a raging disappointment!!! And we might actually recoup the original budget in eventual DVD sales!!! Yay!!!" Was that so hard?