Short Ends: Aguilera Sheds Pounds...Of Scrap Metal

—TVGasm deducts two cred points from Adam Goldberg's hipster balance sheet for casting Haylie Duff and Holly from Big Brother 5 in his movie.
—Christina Aguilera removes all but one of her body piercings. Now when she walks she no longer sounds like a bag lady pushing a shopping cart full of tin cans.
—Are you a "BIG BODYGUARD" or EDGY/ HIP/ TALL/ THIN/ FASHION MODEL" type? If so, you could be in the next Britney Spears video.
—Writer Daniel Radosh reveals the real, semi-rockstar-ish sounding names of teen girl band Huckapoo.
—And the "We're Trying So Hard To Seem Hip That We're Still Quoting Swingers In Our Headlines Eight Years Later" Award goes to...E! Online, for "Ashlee Simpson: All Growns Up?" A representative from E! can pick up the award, a gift bag containing bowling shirts and wallet chains, at Defamer HQ at their earliest convenience.