When we mentioned earlier that popwhore Britney Spears and her love-rat Kevin Federline were being considered for the next season of "Newlyweds," we apparently hit a chord with readers. An activist writes:

I think we should start a petition, right here right now, calling for the guranteed installment of Mr. and Mrs. Federline as the next "Newlyweds." I can't think of a better way to spend my Wednesday nights at 10pm then watching the burning wreckage of that car crash, Cheetos aflame and all. Will Britney think that Miller High Life (the "champagne of beers") is actually champagne a la Jessica's Chicken of the Sea confusion? Maybe we'll find that Kevin and Shar share romantic weekends a lot like those escapades of Nick and his brother Drew? It's a whole world of complete white trash mystery that will makes us all better people after having experienced it first-hand (or after MTV edits it).

Okay, $100 Gawker Dollars (which are similar to Monopoly money, but more imaginary) to the first reader to send out an online petition. If we can seal their deal with MTV, there's no way they'll break the engagement.