To Do: Dr. Strangelove And Other Subtle Political Activities

1. Do we even need to tell you which candidate is benefiting from tonight's screening of Dr. Strangelove: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb benefit screening at Hollywood Forever?
2. Is this a little more subtle? Attend John Powers’ (NPR Fresh Air) reading at Book Soup tonight at 7 p.m. to promote his book Sore Winners (And the Rest of Us) in George Bush's America.
3. Earthdance: United Beats of Peace with Dan the Automator, (a.k.a. Handsome Boy Modeling School, a.k.a. member of the Gorillaz) perform at House of Blues. Go and figure out which persona is showing up to spin for your ecstasy-dropping pleasure. Um, ecstasy-dropping for peace!
4. Politicis, schmolitics, here's something even Republicans can get behind while the liberals are watching a movie in a cemetary: free food and drinks while you shop at the Melrose Heights Summer Block Party. [Scroll down to view flyer.]