Sightings are provided by readers; send yours to

In this long-overdue edition: Double sightings of Chloe Sevigny half-naked, an Olsen twin with a shapely ass, Ethan Hawke here and there, Norah Jones in broad daylight, Yoko Ono embraces gigantic sunglasses, Liv Tyler is still pregnant, Monica Lewinsky hangs with Alan Cumming, Leonardo DiCaprio ogles girls and dines with Giselle, Marc Jacobs talks at Anna Sui, Shalom Harlow picks at her food, Michael Pitt toys with the underaged, Vin Diesel lounges at Marquee, Jared Leto has some girl, Mark Ruffalo and Jimmy Smits go to the theatre, Graham Norton is still gay, Billy Baldwin looks like shit, Andy Dick and Lil' Jon get Crunk, Vincent D'Onofrio knows how to drive, Parkey Posey still has that white dog, and Shepard Smith wearing Old Navy (gasp).

·Saw Chloe Sevigny last night, slumming it on Allen Street near Grand. She was walking alone about 9pm, and was dressed, um, how to put this delicately — like a worn-out truck stop whore. She had on an oversized crumpled white t-shirt with the armholes cut out, some sort of spandex/lycra black bra underneath, and what appeared to be no pants whatsoever. Her hair was piled messily on her head, and she was snarling at someone on her cell phone (her pimp?).

·saw chloe sevigny at max fish. i think she came in just to use the bathroom (don't know why she chose this bar as there is always a long line). her hair was long and she was wearing these hideous jean shorts that were cut barely below her ass. yeah, they showed her legs off but did nothing for her bum. several guys tried to chat her up.

·Saw a freakishly small un-rehab Olsen twin at Soho house. She was wearing a cowboy hat and lots of clothes, but not enough to hide a surprisingly round bottom. She was with a tallish brunette woman and looked like she was taking a tour. Also saw Ethan Hawke that same night in the smoking room on the 6th floor.

·Yesterday as I left work I saw the artist-slash-novelist formerly known as Mr. Uma Ethan Hawke, filming on the corner of 65th and CPW. He looked charming, tossing his head back in laughter with one of the little people on the set. This in contrast to the dour-faced paparazzi camped out on the opposite corner.

·sunday am brunch, on the other side of the garden wall of the miracle grill on 1st, we saw norah jones talking loudly in giant sunglasses. lots of gesticulating. she looked curvy and hot.

·On Sunday morning I saw Yoko Ono walking east with another woman on Prince street dressed in all black wearing the usual black big-framed sunglasses. A couple of hours later I spotted Liv Tyler (quite pregnant and very beautiful) walking alone down sixth avenue near King St.

·I saw Monica Lewinsky at that new XES fag bar across from Chelsea Whole Foods. She was holding court in the back with Alan Cumming and looking very large-and-in-charge in a muumuu-esque get-up... possible fallout from Bubba's recent memoir? I'd like to think so. God bless the gays for taking her in.

·Saw Leonardo DiCaprio at Nello at 63rd and Madison on a Saturday afternoon. Was sitting alone by the open windows, talking on a cell phone and checking out my 15 yr old sister.

·I was out to dinner at Wallse in the West Village. Leonardo Di Caprio and Giselle (Gisele?) were seated near us. Both looked really good and tan. Leo had his annoying backward baseball cap on. We did not hear him speak a word while Giselle chattered on incessantly. With them were two blond ladies.

·Went to private screening of Vanity Fair. Upon exiting, saw Marc Jacobs chatting with Anna Sui on the sidewalk. Marc looked much more disheveled than normal, in a baggy green jacket, clear oversize spectacles and hair that looked like he'd been dragged through a hedge. I was green with envy. . .I wish I could go out looking like that and still have people kiss my ass. Umm. . .not that they do now. .

·Just spotted Shalom Harlow torturing a waitress at our neighborhood coffee shop - Les Gamin. She was with an unrecognizable guy with an Irish/English accent, and a small child. She had to change tables twice because the air conditioning was blowing in her "eye balls". She complained about her burger (yeah, yeah) twice because it was too red. The waitress asked if she would like to send it back and Shalom said, "No, I'll have another bite..." (right, because it would get /less /red the more you ate????).

·Michael Pitt seen in Lower East Side bar VERY close to VERY underage blonde chick.

·last night at marquee- vin diesel.... and jared leto at bungalow with a short brunette...wasn't he dating scarlett johanson?

·Last night at a performance of After the Fall, I saw Mark Ruffalo, looking very short and very cute in all black. Jimmy Smits was also there, wearing a baseball cap, tinted shades, and a blue t-shirt. Dressing down, I guess.

·spotted Graham Norton looking very tan, very fit, and very, very homosexual at the Metropolitan Museum last Saturday. he was walking around with an emphatically non-homosexual looking couple. he is short but v. cute.

·I saw Billy Baldwin at the AMC 25 theater in Times Square Sunday night. Do all the Baldwin brothers have a genetic expiration date? Like all the other ones ( Alec, Harpo...) he now has a bloated face and a stump neck. His hair was in a Stephen Segal ponytail and he had on wrap-around sunglasses, not in an irreverent way. I hope the kids get the Phillips anorexia gene.

·As far as I could tell, there was only one celebrity at the Lil Jon party (for his Crunk! energy drink and new Oakley sunglasses) last night at Butter besides Lil Jon - and that man was none other than assistant-shagging rehabber Andy Dick. Mr. Dick sat fairly calmly at a booth as all around him people were lighting up smokeable substances, drinking Crunk cocktails (one was called "Lil Red Bitch") and half naked gogo dancers shimmied to Lil' Jon's "Get Low." After about 20 minutes, he left.

·Sometime last week I saw Vincent D'Onofrio pulling a very large Dodge Ram'ish looking truck into the Chelsea Market parking garage on 15th street. He was having a very hard time pulling into the garage, as the gas wasting truck was just too damn big. Besides the stupid obese truck he looked good.

·Saw Parker Posey on 3rd & 10th. Chatting on her cell phone, white dog in a shoulder bag. Back in the day when I used to be a masochist and frequent Spa, I would see her and her Dandy Warhols boy toy on a regular basis. But these days, she's sporting heavily layered hair (I'm sensing an extension or two). So not fierce. But she was looking quite svelte, so I'll give her snaps for not eating.

·Saw Shepard Smith (Fox News) strolling down 8th Ave Saturday. Utterly oblivious to everyone, and, likewise, everyone was oblivious to him. The only remarkable thing about the sighting was what he was wearing: a gawdawful puke-green t-shirt that truly looked like it came from the clearance rack at Old Navy. Doesn't Shep make enough money to shop at the Gap these days?