Gawker In The Park: Wigstock 2004

Nothing like a tacky outfit, bad hair, and a tired, self-aggrandizing act to make one want to pull a knife out of the pocketbook and start cutting. And that's just RuPaul in cowgirl gear. Gawker Special Correspondent Jared Abbott braved the rain and the has-beens for the magic of Wigstock, featuring a slew of interesting characters pretending to behave badly. When there's a party Tompkins Square Park, you know we're there, even if it proves to be a booze-free version of hell.

The show began with the rather large and mean hostess, Lady Bunny, doing her usual filthy variations on pop songs; example: Avril Lavigne's "Complicated" becomes "Constipated." After a few charming half-numbers and dirty jokes, the mostly talentless New York drag community tortured, I mean entertained, the enthusiastic gays with crappy stuck-in-a-time-warp numbers. The audience was clearly full of fame-whores, because the two most well-known performers, RuPaul and Boy George, received the loudest applause but had the stalest acts.

The backstage scene was rather boring; no food, no booze, no ego-clashes, just a lot of attempts at rowdiness that just isn't in the city anymore, no matter where you look for it.

Talk show host Graham Norton was bouncing around (it was a Red Bull sponsored event) and chatting up just about everyone. Most interesting tidbit from our conversation: he is helping Joan Rivers launch her own talk show which will mainly be her taking calls from viewers and giving them advice on all sorts of topics. I can see it now: "Get a lot of surgery and tell the same jokes over and over."

Boy George arrived a few minutes before he went on. He was there to perform a less than stellar song called "Pretty Boys," and forgot to leave his messenger bag backstage. The snarky brit was a bit confused about which level of diva-ness to pull on that particular afternoon. First it was "stay away, no photos!" Then photos were fine. Then he performed. Then he left. I cried and then, in a fit of exhaustion, I ran home.