Short Ends: Bob Saget Is God. Obvs.

—We've always sort of suspected it, but now that it's on a website it's obviously true.
—Some porn (i.e. Huge Man Meat) passes easily through Canada's borders. Some (i.e. Hardcore Horse Explosion) does not.
—No worries, Governor Arnold isn't indulging in any of that girly, Beverly Hills salon crap. He's just stopping by for a gossip session and a cup of cappuccino with his hairdresser. And maybe he throws in a quick bikini wax from time to time, but what's a little manscaping between friends?
—Breaking Olsen Twins news: Mary-Kate now strong enough to carry styrofoam and the same time!
— Now let's fall all over each other trying to nail down this scoop: Julia Roberts plans on not doing anything for a while.