Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Cameron Diaz's Skin Clears Up

Hollywood PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are sent in by readers. Send yours to tips@defamer.com, and let the world know your X-ray vision can penetrate Cameron Diaz's floppy hat and gigantic sunglasses.
In today's episode, Cameron Diaz with good skin, Lindsay Lohan and Wilmer Valderrama indulging fans at the Cheesecake Factory, Paris Hilton walking (!), Snoop Dogg getting as far from Disney music as possible, Johnny Knoxville (again) at Sunset Junction, Ryan Kwanten and Taylor Cole doing their best Seth & Summer impression, Jacqueline Obradors, Daphne Zuniga, and in our not-so-special D-lister bonus section, Bobby Trendy, Yolanda Martin of Airline, and Leno's Ross the Intern.
· I saw Cameron Diaz in the lobby of my Santa Monica office building. She was heading into the CBS offices, looking skinny and pretty. She had on a really pretty blue layered tank top and minimal make-up. I always hear about her bad skin, but it just looked healthy and tan to me. She is lucky JT wasn't with her, though. I would have pushed that skinny surfette aside and rocked his body.
· Lindsay Lohan and her right hand Wilmerman had lunch at the Cheescake Factory in Beverly Hills today. She had on an Iron Maiden T-shirt, much like one I had in high school, which made me wonder if she even knows who Bruce Dickinson is. Anyway, the girlyboppers also having lunch in the back room with us were full of giggles and finally mustered up the nerve to ask for a photo. Wilmer asked them to wait until they finished eating while Lindsay looked a bit put out. They snacked on popcorn shrimp and lettuce wraps and then shared a chocolate cake with whipped cream AND ice cream (no eating disorder for this ingenue). When the girlyboppers came back for their photo op, they asked Wilmer to take the photo, which is just comedy to me.
· The other day I was taking a shortcut home on Pico at around 6 o'clock and I almost wrecked my car when I saw this hot blonde chick walking down the street. Excuse me for being a guy but she had legs for DAYS so I slowed down to get a better look and it was Paris Hilton! She was wearing this stretchy white dress that was really short and she was carrying a bag. She had a ball cap on and she was walking towards some place called Arsenal which I think is a dive bar. Since it was only 6 o'clock, she might have been starting her night early at happy hour. Either that or she wanted to hang out with some soccer hooligans.
· Saw Snoop Dogg cruisin' down Highland on Friday night. He was in a tinted black Hummer, no plates. Not sure where he was going but he was definitely going in the opposite direction of the LA Philharmonic's "Celebration of 75 Years of Disney" at the Hollywood Bowl.
· Saw Johnny Knoxville playing the balloon pop with the water gun game at Sunset Junction festival on Saturday. I was too drunk to remember whether he won or lost, but the carnie running the game seemed to be a fan.
· So I'm standing in the checkout line at the Hollywood Borders this evening, increasingly amused by the coy cooing going on between the two glossy, anorexic actor types behind me (who both jumped as if burned when I reached around them to snatch up a copy of the Joss Whedon-penned X-Men comic). Suddenly, one of the elderly PBSers behind *them* cried, "Oh my God — you're actually a couple, just like on the show!" and I realized the actor types were actually Ryan Kwanten and Taylor Cole of the WB's Summerland. Kwanten (in perfectly coiffed blond streaks and no trace of an Aussie accent) and Cole (very, very shiny in an unsullied Charisma Carpenter sort of way) looked embarrassed to be caught out, although Kwanten joked "Nah, man — don't you know there are cameras on us *now?*" I hope he *was* joking; I looked a fright. Anyway, both were very nice to their admirers, as befitting still-unspoiled, not yet jaded or drugged-out young TV stars.
I saw NYPD Blue filming in Downtown LA. I saw Jacqueline Obradors crossing the street looking thin and beautiful. They were filming some scenes inside a bar. The funny part was that their crew was so scruffy looking, I mistook them for downtown LA homeless people.
Saw Daphne "Melrose Place/Spaceballs" Zuniga with two bippy friend clawing their way through the clearance rack in the back of Anthropolgie at the Grove. They kept holding up every pair of capri pants on the rack and saying, "I like these except for the ribbons." "These would be cute if they didn't have stitching down the front". "How about these except for the trim?" Um....maybe it's me, but Anthropologie probably isn't the best place to look for plain clothing...but you might know that if you and your friends didn't dress like Jillian Barberie on her way home from the gym. "We should tell them less of THIS and THIS," said Daphne holding up a pair of capri pants and motioning towards the belt (gasp) and trim. I rolled my eyes and went to look at a $1600.00 chandelier I would never buy.
Not-so-special D-List bonus section!
· So i was walking down Santa Monica Blvd. in West Hollywood and a Jaguar convertible pulls up near me. The car's driver glanced back behind him, I assumed, looking to see if there was a no parking sign. As he was blocking a driveway and me being a busybody I looked at the diver and thought to myself, "You can't park there, even if you do drive Jag." The driver turned back around and caught me looking at him and gives me a coy, cruisy little smile. It took me a moment before I realized who was smiling at me. It was the loathsome Bobby Trendy. I rushed home and took a Silkwood shower.
· In front of me in line at the Sherman Oaks Ralphs on Burbank Blvd. was Yolanda Martin of A&E's Airline, her two children in tow, and thrilled to have saved a bunch of money with her Ralphs card. I did some pretty idiotic gushing over her ("You're my favorite!"), but she was very sweet and friendly.
· OK, this is completely D-List, but here it goes....Spotted Jay Leno's former houseboy Ross The Intern loudly gaying it up near the Coffee Bean in Los Feliz today. The "Brokeback Mountain" look must be The Next Big Thing, because he was looking screamingly resplendent in a neon cowboy shirt, and fully accessorized with a little rat-dog sporting a hot-pink doggie jacket....in August. I swear, if that dude's alleged Bravo show ever actually makes it to air, I'm throwing my TV out the window.