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Filmmaker (and Pulp Fiction co-writer) Roger Avary calls bullshit on QT's Diary, the supposed Quentin Tarantino blog that everyone's been so hot for the last few days.

A lot of people have been emailing me about this alleged Quentin Tarantino Blog, which is obvious bullshit. It's a fun read, and should be looked at as entertainment, but it's not genuine in any way whatsoever. How can you tell? Well, for example, Quentin would never in a gazillion years use the term "editing suite" and then know or care enough to guide someone to specific P2P client software. He's retarded when it comes to things like that, and simply doesn't care.

And just for the record, Avary's FAQ lets us all know he's not debunking the blog because of some silly tiff with QT:

Q: Are you gay?

A: No. Though it seems I've placed buttfucking scenes into almost every script I've written — and then there was that Top Gun theory I came up with. Some people have speculated that Quentin and I were gay lovers, and we sure did have spats like a couple of prissy queens. I guarantee that this isn't true. I do consider myself somewhat of a libertine, and I'm open to just about anything, but I draw the line when it comes to sex with Quentin.
