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Recently, we were respecting the entertainment industry's copyrights in a $14 Cinerama Dome seat when Hollywood stunt coordinator Manny Perry began his impassioned plea for us to further respect copyrights by visiting the MPAA's scary website after leaving the theater. A chorus of groans rose up from the audience as the dreaded words faded into view: "Manny Perry Makes Movies." We don't personally blame Manny Perry for his misguided participation in the MPAA propaganda, as we assume that Jack Valenti was holding his wife hostage at gunpoint while threatening to feed his infant daughter to a poorly-bred pit bull in Manny Perry's ranch-style home in Chatsworth, but that doesn't mean that others are so understanding. Here's a representative sample of our readers' frustration:

Let's start a campaign to put an end to this "Manny Perry Makes Movies" crap. I don't give a fuck, I never did, and if I have to sit through his miserable lispy rant one more time I'm going to start a second career hocking bootlegs outside Roscoe's on Pico—filling a void left by the chap who used to do it prior to getting nicked on account of we all-know-who. Kid steals a bar of candy....and that's just like high-tailing it with the copyright of a multi-million dollar investment. It's not right, is it Perry? Not quite ya fuckin' puppet, yap-yap-yap.

We all know how absurd these ads are—if Jerry Bruckheimer makes an extra $30 million for Bad Boys X, he isn't going to show up on Manny Perry's doorstep with a briefcase full of "profit-sharing" or cancel his latest union-busting Vancouver shoot. But after months of attempted brainwashing by these "Respect Copyrights" ads, we've been bitten by the activism bug. We won't advocate burning down your local multiplex as we can't get an erection without wearing the bell-hop fetish uniform from our part-time usher gig at The Grove. But we can urge you to engage in two minutes of loud, uncomfortable groaning and/or booing (or even better, pirate noises!) every time you're subjected to a "Respect Copyrights" propaganda ad. (Standing on one's seat and flipping a defiant bird at the 50-foot screen is completely optional, but heartily recommended.) Who's with us? Let's dig up that Che Guevara guy and get our protest on! The revolution starts tonight!

[Defamer will print first-person accounts of our defiance as they become available.]

UPDATE: More on Manny Perry. BoingBoing has links to the newest (and seemingly endless) "RC" trailer.

UPDATE: A great, Defamer-endorsed protest idea: Pirate taunts!