It's good to see that the New York Times has maintained their typical level of opaque journalism in light of next week's inescapable Republican National Convention. Today, the fine folks over at the Arts section point out an issue that surely occured to no one: the culture of DC denizens is quite different than that of Manhattanites. Really? You don't say!

In Washington fresh-faced interns, emboldened by the heady aroma of democracy in the making, brandish new ID tags and frolic amid the photocopying. In Manhattan interns sort mail for assistant fashion editors and end up dancing shirtless at raves with people they will never see again. In Washington inscrutable men in dark glasses with earpieces make sure that government and its leaders proceed unmolested. In New York County similar fellows defend the velvet rope at Bungalow 8.

Forget political differences — how will New York cope with the visiting preppy, prancing DC interns? And will we be able to fuck them as easily as our own local labor?
A Toxic Mix Of Cultures For G.O.P. In New York [NYT]