Team Party Crash: 'Rammer Jammer' Book Party

In case you haven't noticed, Gawker s Team Party Crash will go just about anywhere that advertises free drinks. Last night we tested our mettle at the Park Avenue Country Club for NY Times reporter Warren St. John s Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer book party. (Try saying that title five times really fast on your fourth SoCo and Coke — THAT WE PAID FOR, ahem) In a shrew bit of planning, Warren St. John's book party was also billed as an alumni event for Southeastern Conference colleges. In other words, frat party. After the jump, Gawker Special Correspondent Andrew Krucoff and staff photographer Eliot Shepard get too drunk to report.
The girls were blonde, the guys wore post-work khaki, and we did our best to stay away from any Arkansas fans.

The evening reached a point (still undecided if it was high or low) when Columbia University s Marching Band came busting through the doors playing something that almost resembled music.

It was cute, in a baby crawling and then crapping itself kinda way. We met the main stars of the book, ate their tasty grain alcohol soaked cherries and then made a beeline with our buzz for the exit.

It wasn t until we landed at Ted Leo s CD listening party at Hifi Bar that we felt like our normal downtown cheap disgusting selves again.