We spent our weekend bandying about with the Republicans but, honestly, we usually spent too much time at the free bars to give you reports of anything occuring after, oh, 9 PM. Maybe that's a good thing. A reader on the Media Welcome party at the Time Warner Center:

First of all, we were in a MALL. Sure they were serving raw fish snowcones from Per Se, handed to you by hot guys who looked like Mossad leaders, but we were in a MALL. Wolf Blitzer was short. Greta Van Sustern was bite-sized. Dorothy Rabinowitz was in black, and very chic. Lloyd Grove was in a shitty mood, but why? David Carr had someone backed up against a tree in the smoking and bratwurst area — bratwurst? It was 95 degrees and yet Carr was interrogating them, spiral notebookk out. There were hundreds of people there: all reporters forced to talk to other reporters. Truly ugly and unforgivable, but at least Carr was working.

Jesus, Lloyd Grove and bratwurst? The possibilities for horror and shame are endless.