Craigslist: Still Working Towards Convention Sex
Oh, how we do adore our inquisitive and proactive readers. This morning we've received word from one who, in a fit of curiosity, boredom, and/or perversion, decided to post a fake Craigslist personal ad for some hot Republican "hate fucking." Then, this Best Reader Ever allowed us access to their email account so we could access the overflow of legitimate responses (oh, the pictures, the pictures). Suffice to say, we are sick with glee. The original post:
Republican Blond Wants to be Hate Fucked - w4m - 24
I'm just in town for the week, and New Yorkers haven't been all that friendly yet, so I figure I better make the most of it. Let's keep it simple, I'm hot, you're fit, and you're gonna take it all out on me.
A sampling of the generous local response, including an alleged Vanity Fair writer, after the jump.
Very fit, muscular, well hung, black male with much rage over this Republican nightmare here in the city. If you want me to take out all my frustration between your leggs TODAY, let me know because I am really pissed about this and need an outlet. Just need hotel info, room number, and time to meet you after 12pm
hi im a 22 year old liberal democratic new yorker. i despise almost everything the republican party stands for. and im pissed as all holy hell that you are all here invading my wodnerful city. ive attached a pic. i have several others if you wanna see more.
hate fuck? Is that like slap fucking?
Hey there. How anyone can be a republican in the current world is beyond me. The current administration has set the stage to ruin the world. I would love to hate fuck you, quite roughly, and take out all my anger on Iraq, on the current state of America, and the future that is being built for our children.
Hey there. I'm a nyc police officer (serious, have ID of course), too many protesters and a lot of stress. In Manhattan all week - normally work in brooklyn. Would love to hang out. You have a pic by any chance?
GREAT AD! OUTSTANDING! But I hate republicans so much I won't even fuck them. But if you can prove you're Ann Coulter, I'll rent a dump truck full of maggots and diarrhea for your dining pleasure. Enjoy your stay in New York!
I was just thinking how banging a rep. might be the best way to bring peace to the world. Or at least show the real meaning of compassionate conservatism. I'm 28, very fit, tan, and ready to show you why liberals are better. I'll try not to respect you in the morning, though, as a liberal, I'm sure I'll see some good in you...even if it's only between your legs.
Would love to! I write for Vanity Fair. Please write back if only to prove you're not just a figment of this computer's imagination. Cheers!
Republican Blond Wants To Be Hate Fucked [Craigslist]