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Despair, all you aspiring producers who enter here: The PRODUCERMAG blog (all caps theirs) interviews producer Steven Paul, who reveals that he was pretty much born with the touch that allowed him to bring together the magical elements that became The Karate Dog, Baby Geniuses, and SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2. So if you've been fetching dry-cleaning and making up inventive excuses to cover for your bosses while they're "in a meeting with a $700 an hour body-relaxation consultant" in order to learn the trade, just give up now. It's fairly clear that you either got the instinct to put Scott Baio in the frame with a talking baby while you were still in the womb, or you're out of luck. Perhaps you would consider a nice career in craft service?

I guess I had sort of an understanding of filmmaking right off the bat…because they sat us around this little table, four or five of us kids, we were all about six years old and there was this man who was reading a story to us, and there was this film camera filming all of us.. So there was the guy, reading this story, and everyone else was just sitting there bored, and I started acting, I responded, and I was making facial expressions and laughing, and I don’t know what the hell I was doing! But later, when I saw the TV commercial finally cut together, they actually cut the man out and they put another boy there talking about “Yoddles”. So for me I was like, “Wow, look at this! This is filmmaking!”