To Do: Phil Collins. There Is No Substitute.

1. Reminisce about the days before AHWOSG made Dave Eggers the unstoppable publishing juggernaut/ubiquitous literary mega-celeb he is today, as Eggers presents and signs Created in Darkness by Troubled Americans: The Best of McSweeney’s Humor Category 1998–2003 tonight at Book Soup. Maybe you can even ask him what it was like to sit by as a genuinely offended Janeane Garofalo tried to explain the Eggers legacy to decidedly less ironic fellow autobiographer Joe "Joey Pants" Pantoliano on Dinner for Five.
2. Phil Collins is the next ironic guilty pleasure just waiting to be ruined by The O.C. No? The Postal Service recently covered “Against All Odds.” Why not go hear the original live and watch as Phil rocks some serious "Sussudio" at the Staples Center tonight? Jacket totally fucking required!
3. Grab one of those rave kids and threaten to withhold their X and lollipops unless they can tell you the difference between techno and house music at the BPM Magazine release party at Pearl (and featuring Photek).