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· Rapper Foxy Brown pulls a Naomi Campbell, allegedly hitting a manicurist in the face with her cell phone during a dispute over a $35 payment. This from a woman who's dripping in diamonds to the point that she pees bling. [Page Six]
· ABC News' Brian Ross is sending attractive women with hidden cameras to sneak into Republican National Convention parties to document GOP bigwigs living large. Thanks to them, we have some amazing Lynyrd Skynyrd footage. [NYDN]
· Alec Baldwin puts the smack down on his younger brother Stephen for his involvement with the Republicans, warning that the politicians will use the youngest Baldwin and ultimately "throw [him] in the wastebasket" when they're through. Well, as long as someone's disposing of him. [Page Six]
· God help us all: Farrah Fawcett is spotted with cameras following her around and handlers claim it's for a reality television show. Does the demand for retarded reality-tv blondes merit this sort of madness? [Scoop (last item)]