More Convention Freebies: Helen Thomas Gets Pampered

As we pointed out earlier, the media just isn't the media without some convention swag under its arm. Barneys Loft Spa has raised the bar with their special treatments for those overworked journos looking for a blow-out with their free beer:
The first journalist to get a free facial at the convention's media center yesterday? Eighty-four-year-old White House correspondent Helen Thomas. The reporter, who fired tough questions from the front row of the White House briefing room for 57 years, also had her makeup done and her hair blown out at the Barneys Loft Spa set up inside the Farley Post Office (paid for by the RNC Host Committee). Staff at the spa, where members of the press can enjoy massages, manicures, waxing, and makeup sessions - as well as shoot pool and drink free beer - said Thomas was the first of many appointments: The salon is booked solid all week. [...] Bikini waxes are also available, but Thomas stuck to above-the-neck treatments.
We don't really care anymore about what gifts the media does or doesn't take, but thank fucking God Helen Thomas didn't go for a Brazilian.
Intelligencer [NY Mag]