Short Ends: The Curious Case Of Jessica Simpson's Cleavage

—Awful Plastic Surgery reverses course on Jessica Simpson's cleavage, which was once lauded on Good Plastic Surgery. Here's to good boob jobs gone bad!
—Madonna enacts a personal Blahnik embargo after Manolo made disparaging remarks about her acting abilities. If only he'd shot off his mouth about Sarah Jessica Parker's dramatic chops, maybe that debacle that was Sex and the City could have been avoided. Please, no pro-SATC e-mails. By the time you read this, we'll be in Mexico. [via BWE]
—Separated at birth: Unhinged, aspiring duelist/Democratic turncoat Zell Miller and Emperor Palpatine?
—The WOW Report gets Vincent Gallo's John Hancock all over their overpriced Brown Bunny book.
—Cinemocracy reviews the last six months in the intersection of Hollywood and politics. We would've liked more angry pirate talk, but we're admittedly a little fixated these days.