To Do: Paris Hilton In The Same Room As Books

1. See Paris Hilton in a book store—and not the kind that employ an army of stand-by moppers and have quarter-powered peek-a-boo booths in the back. Paris will sign her autobiography, Confessions of an Heiress: A Tongue-in-Chic Peek Behind the Pose, at the Brentano’s in Century City. We're pretty sure that title has more words in it than she has in her vocabulary, but it doesn't really take a talented writer to scribble her name.
2. The Silversun Pickups begin their free Tuesday night residency at the Echo for the month of September. Head on over and confirm that hipsters will see the same show week after week as long as there's no cover charge.
3. The Los Angeles International Short Film Festival kicks off tonight at the ArcLight. Good: Director Bryan "I'm doing the new Superman" Singer will be in attendance to receive an award. Better: Short films require a fraction of the attention span of feature-length festival entries.