Short Ends: Heiress Face-Off!

—Wrong-coasted sister site Gawker nearly blows the lid off a "Brad Pitt in rehab story." But who really knows what the abdominizing man from the "Hey, What Am I Smelling Right Now?" school of acting does with his downtime on movie sets?
—What happens when two heiresses are born into incredible wealth, but only one is gifted with actual talent? Find out as Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Paris Hilton face off at GorillaMask [via Adrants]
—CulturePulp's Michael Russell interviews cult-of-celebrity übersbitchslapper Cintra Wilson for the Bookslut blog.
—"Exhausted but Proud, Hugh Jackman Retires His Sequins" reads the NYT headline. Exactly what is the Gray Lady trying to say about the dancin' and singin' Broadway boy?
—A suspect Britney Spears panty flash, courtesy of the knuckle-shuffling batallion at Fleshbot.