Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Special Jack Black International Edition

Normally, we limit our PrivacyWatch feature to celebrity sightings in the L.A. area. But when we hear about Jack Black, King Kong, and a very special subset of wrestling from a reader all the way in New Zealand, we'll certainly make an exception.
Saw Jack Black the other night, standing outside Chow, the second coolest bar in Wellington with, er, that guy from 'Early Edition' and some other even less well-known actor. They are, of course, in town for King Kong.
Jack and EE-guy were talking about Jelly Wrestling — not just 'shall we go', but 'what they wrestle in' etc. Lord knows why they would come all this way to talk about such a thing — what's on offer in Wellington in that department isn't much to write home about — especially if home is L.A.
See? We aren't kidding when we claim that "L.A. is the world's cultural capital." Even our "females grappling in lubricating foodstuffs culture" sets an international benchmark.