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A design professional who claims to "do this for a living" offers some additional insights into the apparent failings of the Jersey Girl video box, which we deconstructed for you yesterday. (Click the thumbnail at left to see the full image.) We certainly lack credentials in this field, but we'll still take a stab at answering point #11: a) Biggs has no shame left after gaining his fame through the insertion of his penis into baked goods (it always comes back to pie-fucking, doesn't it? Wear it like a badge of honor, Biggs!), and b) Tyler's not actually looking at the consumer, she just has those spooky eyes that follow you wherever you go—don't tease, her mother was a model/groupie and her father, well, you know. Something about that combo indicates less-than-optimal prenatal care.

10. All the images (save for the trifecta of Ben, Liv and Jason) are noticeably soft focus, as in "they are not the main attention-getting actors." Kinda like Cybill did to Bruce on Moonlighting.

11. Only Liv and Jason are looking at the consumer... why??

12. Poor typography on the quote; to wit: massively large inch marks instead of actual quote marks.

13. Mysterious blotch on little girl's arm. Bruise? School-yard stain?

All in all, one of the worst pieces of home video key art I've seen in some time...and I've produced my share so I should know!