To Do: Vanilla Ice And Wrestling Robots, But Not At The Same Time

1. Check out the Kaiju Big Battel at Avalon tonight. Think strange robots and creatures from bad-sci movies wrestling in outer space. Also, you're really high. If that kind of thing doesn't float your boat, you can always sneak upstairs to the Spider Club and watch Lindsay Lohan make out with Fez.
2. Comedian D.L. Hughley joins the Planned Parenthood and National Poetry Slam Champion Sekou (tha misfit) for "Slam the Vote" at the Village at Ed Gould Plaza. Another voting event? We thought that the election was last week. But since there will probably be buckets full of free birth control at this one, we’re there.
3. Tonight's main event: Vanilla Ice at the Knitting Factory for FREE. Well, it's not entirely free. That little piece of your soul that you'd sacrifice in the name of ironic enjoyment has some value. Then again, getting to yell "Word to your mother!" at the top of your lungs over and over again might be worth it.