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· There's a case of Nicole Kidman backlash going around: legendary actress Lauren Bacall snaps that Kidman is hardly a legend herself, Sharon Osbourne calls the actress a "skinny cow," and her film "Birth" is booed at the Venice Film Festival when she appears naked onscreen with a ten year-old boy. Aren't we being a little hard on kiddie porn and anorexia? [Page Six]
· Kitty Kelley, the author responsible for the Bush Does Coke At Camp David scandal, claims Larry King won't allow her on his show because he's a Bush crony. Total fucking shocker. [NYDN]
· The downward spiral of Britney Spears continues, as she takes heat for not attending charity events. Well, duh, she's too busy smoking Kools and getting a rash from Kevin Federline's bad teen mustache. [Scoop]
· Someone does us all a favor and fires a gun in the direction of abusive actor Tom Sizemore. [NYDN (3rd item)]