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In this edition: Bill Keller, Nicky Hilton and Todd Meister, Liv and Steven Tyler, Chris Robinson and Kate Hudson, Fabian Basabe, Tara Reid, John Mayer, Marisa Tomei with Lisa Bonet and Zoe Kravitz, Famke Jansson, Sigourney Weaver, Jennifer Lopez, Abe Vigoda, Bill Rancic, Leonardo DiCaprio, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Hilary Swank and Chad Lowe, Graydon Carter, John McEnroe, Jeremy Piven, Neve Campbell, Simon Rex, Demi Moore, Amanda Lepore, James Carville, David Bowie, Ron Livingston, Billy Baldwin and Chyna Phillips, Vincent Gallo, Rosie McDonald, Matthew Perry, Alec Baldwin, Euan Morton, Joel Grey, Shane from Road Rules, Kim Gordon, David Barton, and Brendon Sexton III.

· NYT exec editor Bill Keller, Fri. morn, a mere mortal on the scrubway, taking the 2/3 from 96th St. to 42nd. Intensely focused on Jon Pareles's "Laptop D.J.'s Have a Feast" piece. Very handsome (for a journalist) but wearing really ugly (read: Timesian) shoes.

· I saw the "Newlyweds" Nicky Hilton and Todd Meister shopping at Barneys during the late afternoon. She was very pretty, tan, skinny, wearing casual greenish-cargo looking skirt and tank. No make-up. He trailed behind her, holding a sportscoat over one shoulder, looking very rich Upper East Side preppy in loafers, Diesels, button-down Pink shirt etc. He was wearing the ubiqitous baseball hat to cover his balding dome. An unidentified female friend was with them - assistant?

· Saw Liv Tyler with her Aerosmith dad Steven taking a really long walk around the Village yesterday (Sunday). Actually, we saw them twice, first when walking ourselves then when we were sitting at a cafe. Everyone that saw them said something audible about how pregnant she looked. Comparatively, Steve looked like heroin-addled string bean and was wearing these awful cargo jeans with lots of awkward zippers. I guess it's a better look than those awful Nasa suit he wore during the Superbowl show. The two of them were cute in a father-daughter sort of way, but I don't know how she walked so long or so quickly when she looks like that baby might fly out of her mouth any minute now.

· Chris Robinson and Kate Hudson (with baby Ryder) on Houston between Thomson and Sullivan. They were walking by the market in front of St. Anthony's Church when Chris stopped and bought a retro style t-shirt designed by Fugamma that said "More Trees Please" (hippie). He picked it up to show Kate and said "Hon, 'More Trees Please!'" and she said "Awesome! Buy it!". Chris and Kate were both dressed totally down in t-shirt and jeans and flip flops. Kate looked totally make-up. I was never a big fan, but they were both acutally really nice and "normal". Baby was cute too.

<·saw fabian basabe being denied entry into Hiro for the tommy hilfiger after party....he was like "im fabian basabe for god's sake" everyone laughed, then he walked away all mad. hah.

· Saw Tara Reid standing around looking hollow as usual in front of a restaurant whose name escapes me on West Broadway in Soho around 4ish Saturday afternoon... She was wearing little tiny jeans that had no back pockets (they looked like French Connection if that matters at all) and some t-shirt. She had her hair pulled back very tightly in a gross little lump, which really does not do too much to help hide those ubiquitous under eye circles she accentuates with her trademark eye-liner rings... She was talking to a group of people, seemed pleased that my friends and I looked at her with some recognition, and when a gigantic yellow dog that was tied to the barrier of the restaurant's patio area started barking at her like he wanted to taste her blood, she ran over to him, practically knocking down a bunch of people in the crowd that had formed behind her group (but mind you, not FOR her group) and tried to pet him before almost being bitten and having her little quest interrupted by the dog's owner. I wish I had some more to report but at that point we were feeling nauseaus so we had to leave.

· I saw John Mayer walking outside my office building on 53rd & Mad about a half hour ago. He's much cuter in person. He was talking on a cell and was wearing an orange polo with thin white horizontal stripes and ripped jeans. He also had an adorable case of bedhead. Interestingly, I had literally just heard one of his songs before we crossed paths.

· Tahir is the latest vintage store to hit New York, and there was a party in the garden out back to celebrate. Just as the party was getting going, in came Lisa Bonet, Marisa Tomei and Zoe Kravitz for some shopping. Lisa Bonet bought a fabulous vintage skirt and Marisa Tomei first bought a belt and then came back to the register to get a silver sequined hat. They came in twice- first to browse and then to make the purchases.

· Famke Jansson - is that how you spell her name? I've spotted her all over soho this week with a shorter-than-her, but adorable younger man, and an equally adorable boston terrier. She's always laughing, spinning around, looking in love, but they aren't touchy-feely at all, so maybe it's her brother or something.

· i saw Sigourney Weaver at paragon sports wednesday afternoon. she was with her daughter or someone shopping for sneakers. she had no make up on and looked really plain...barely recognizable until someone pointed her out.

· saw jennifer lopez at the tommy hilfiger show today, she acted very nice, she was without marc anthony, so i guess thats why she was so happy.

· Abe Vigoda was in the caf part eating of the Whole Foods in the mall-like Time Warner thing. He was right by the Java Juice counter. Basically, we saw Ave Vigoda at the mall by the Orange Julius stand. He seemed to be alone.

· Saw Bill Rancic eating a pastry on the corner of 42nd and 6th around 9:15am looking yummy in a gray suit and red tie. Guess the rain didn t deter him and the ordinary-looking dude he was with from going to his bookstore appearances.

· At around 8pm saw Leonardo DiCaprio eating dinner at Fresco by Scotto on 52nd Street bet. Mad and Park. He was wearing a black t-shirt, and had his back to the room, dining with two guys who were sitting across from him. He lingered at the table for quite a while after dinner, drinking red wine.

· Last night I saw my obsession, Philip Seymour Hoffman at close range on the street in NYU territory so naturally I stalked him a little when he turned left into the Barnes & Noble by Astor Place. He looked scruffy but adorable (surprisingly blonde) and was lugging around a huge backpack with a couple of padlocks on it. Hey stayed in the lobby and chatted up literati ladies Heidi Julavits and Sloane Crossley and some other dudes for about 15 minutes and then the security guards started whispering about his packpack and were clearly gonna stop him but then he (well, we) left. But I thought it was too funny if they thought he was a) shoplifting or b) carrying a bomb what is this world coming to when the dude with the gut in Boogie Nights is either a thief or a terrorist???!

· I was sitting outside of Doma coffee shop in the west village. my dominatrix friend is going on and on about the Victorians and the act of Confession, who should walk by us and into Doma but Chad Lowe and Hillary Swank. Chad was short and had a bit of pudge, but cute. (He may have even been SHORTER than Hillary. I can t remember) Hillary looked hot even though she was dressed in the drabbest most non-descript outfit I have ever seen. (Think Old Navy t-shirt and a Gap-brand jeans, although I might be totally wrong about that It s just the impression I had) I told my dominatrix friend who was still reading out loud VERY LOUDLY, that Chad and Hillary had just walked into Doma and isn t it crazy that Chad and Hillary just walked into Doma while she was reading the History of Sexuality Volume 1 out loud. The dominatrix said: "So what?" And I kind of agreed with her: THAT is an Academy Award winner? I ve seen more glamour in a Renee Zellwigger movie. Also, when I went in to the coffee shop to put my paper cup in the trash, I saw them sitting there with all the other nerds doing something stupid like reading the New York Times. Yawn.

· Yesterday my dog Stan almost tripped up Graydon Carter. Today a.m. Stan failed to trip up John McEnroe.

· Spotted Jeremy Piven walking down Hudson Street in the West Village on Sunday still dressing like he did back in his PCU days. Didn t seem like he was getting much notice from anyone else. It took a lot of restraint not to run up to him and tell him how upset I was when "Cupid" was canceled.

· Back from the dead, Neve Campbell at the premiere of her new movie (which I hadn t heard of) on Tuesday Night at the Chelsea Clearview West. She attracted a small crowd of onlookers and seemed to be thrilled to be getting any attention at all.

· Saw Neve Campbell dressed all glam Navaho cowgirl (v. contrived getup) yesterday morning, right after the subway-crippling downpour, waiting on Park Ave outside the Regency for a cab. Add her to the long list of celebs whose lack of height is concealed rather well on screen.

· Simon Rex, first at 17 having a beer, then later on drunk at marquee. If he's dating Paris Hilton, you wouldn't know it as they came seperately and he was wandering around for a while after she left. Leonardo diCaprio at marquee as well...he's gained some weight. Not looking good.

· I spotted former MTV VJ and WB heartthrob Simon Rex wearing jeans and a dark-colored dress shirt entering the NoHo branch of Chase Bank on Broadway shortly after 6:00PM. He was in and out very quickly so I'm assuming that he was there to use the ATM. Yes, that makes sense especially since it was after regular banking hours.

· demi moore, walking alone on 56th and 5th. She was wearing jeans and carrying a large canvas tote, she looks good considering the artifically tight face.

· amanda lepore crossed irving place in front of my car last night. She has a bubble butt. She was chatting on her celly — to whom? her collagen doctor? william morris? lady bunny?

· Here's a political one for you. I saw James Carville in the lobby of the Conde Nast Building yesterday. You know? He could actually be considered kind of hot in person. He's tall and the bald thing works for him when he doesn't have klieg lights reflecting off his forehead.

· I was at the Franz Ferdinand show at Roseland and was happily enjoying the natty Scots when I happened to look up in
the balcony. Who do I see but David Bowie, calmly enjoying the same show. He was in semi-disguise, as he was wearing glasses and had grown a mustache (!), but I recognized him nonetheless. I'm glad he is well enough after his June heart surgery to be rockin' out again. At the end of the show, he was watching everyone on the floor leave, and I waved to him from the crowd. He waved back at me and grinned before retreating to the recesses of the VIP section. I feel very special today.

· I saw Ron "He Broke Up With Me Via Post-It Note" Livingston at Tompkins Square Park's small dog run with his long haired chihuaha last night. He kept his head in a book the whole time despite my best efforts to get him to look up. Clearly, he didn't realize that I, his future girlfriend, was standing right in front of him. He is shorter than you would think and he is wearing his hair longer.

· Saw William Baldwin on Columbus avenue in front of Calle Ocho. Was yelling into his cell phone and looked totally pissed off. He's definitely looks better than all the other Baldwins

· Saw Billy Baldwin and Chynna Phillips catching a flick at the big 68th st theater last night. Wow, billy is not looking so hot a long ways away from his Flatliners days. He was on his celly while Chynna went to the ladies' room and he had really bad shoulder length hair and has evidently packed on several pounds. Not a good look for him.

· Last night, at the Sony Loews Theater at 68th/Browadway, NYC... Saw singer Chynna Phillips with hubby-actor Billy Baldwin. You can't mistake a Baldwin. He was HUGE, greasy, long, black hair and sexy as hell. She looked very withdrawn and tired. Long, stringy hair and no makeup. He waited for her while she headed into the ladies room. Overall judgment: I bet they smell.

· at terry richardson opening - vincent gallo wearing some black helmet-style hat, very village people-esque said a friend. also, tara subkoff looking teeny tiny in a sequin grey tank and ponchahontas boots, manning (womanning) her roving 'imitation' phonebook style art/shop.

· Spotted as a passenger in a fire engine red Range Rover (circa 1990's)..heading north on Third Ave at 15th St at 11:00 AM Sat....Anna Wintour, with kids in the back, gazing out the window. No mistaking the helmet hair and shades!

· Last Friday night, at the sold out, one night only, solo concert performance: Kristin Chenoweth at Carnegie Hall: Rosie O'Donnell looking like a TOTAL schlep! No makeup, fatter than ever and in something like black biker shorts and a humungous black smock-top. Also seen in the audience: a dashing Matthew Perry, Alec Baldwin, Euan Morton (formerly the Tony Nominated 'Boy George' in Broadway's Taboo), Joel Grey.

· Celebs at the Kristin Chenoweth concert on Friday night at Carnegie Hall: Joel Grey (almost impossible not to spot since he hung out in front of the place for a good 20 minutes before the performance); Alec Baldwin, and Rosie O'Donnell. Rosie showing her usual modesty by jumping to her feet to wave when Kristin whipped out a Poloroid camera and said, "Now I'll take pictures of all the famous people." Nicole Kidman, with whom Kristin is filming Bewitched, may or may not have been there. During a long riff on Nicole, someone burst into wild laughter at a joke — the kind of laugh that only the person who is the subject of the joke usually gives out. But nobody we know spotted her. But the buzz of the night was the drunk in the right-hand balcony who kept hollering every time Kristin hit a high note. People were worried he was going to barf over the balcony or else fall to the floor below. Finally, almost at the end of the concert, patrons convinced him to shut the hell up.

· my friend and i saw shane from road rules at lame-oh b-bar last night. that place is so over, so sad too bad. everytime he walked by we yelled "sean from road rules." I don't think he liked us.

· kim gordon walkiing down lafayette street this sunday, alone, looking very stylish in shades of green...

· Sunday afternoon, Steroid needle pincushion-cum-Chelsea Boy David Barton outside his new 23rd st locale, demonstrating the proper squat technique to fellow meathead in the westbound lane. Very not-hot.

· I saw Brendon Sexton III [Welcome to the Dollhouse, Boys Don't Cry] walking south on Broadway. His hair was sort of long, curly, and dirty blondish, and he was sporting that white trash 'stache that appears to be his trademark. He was talking on his cell phone and looking like he was on his way to class somewhere.