Hollywood PrivacyWatch: A Busy Week In Star-Spotting

Hollywood PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our hawk-eyed readers. Send yours to tips@defamer.com and let Vincent Gallo know you've caught him perving on college girls.
In this action-packed episode (way to go!), Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor flexing consumer muscle in Tar-zhay, Kirsten Dunst and a small AMW army at Pace, Paris Hilton posing at the Roxy, Vincent Gallo letting it swing at Swingers, Drea De Matteo looking Jersey (isn't she an UES gal)?, Ted Danson looking decrepit, Andy Dick inducing nausea, Ben McKenzie with a friend, Shawn Hatosy, Peter Boyle, Soleil Moon Frye, Adam "Everywhere" Brody, Shane West, Robbie Williams, Evan Handler, Eddie Kay Thomas, Peter MacNichol, Curtis "He'll Always Be Booger To Us" Armstrong, Nick Warnock, and Real World Vegas Steven.
· I was at the new Target on La Brea and Santa Monica, at around 10:00 at night. Christine Taylor was stomping around the cash registers looking for her husband, calling loudly, "Ben?" "Ben!" She clearly felt no need to be inconspicuous. She's taller than I thought and had kind of an icky complexion, but she's a pretty girl. I looked around and then saw Ben Stiller pop out from behind a counter and wave. It was a classic piece of physical comedy. He looked exactly as he does in his movies, Zoolander excluded of course. They seemed friendly and very relaxed. And strangely enough, it seemed only a few dork Target employees and I noticed the happy couple. But maybe the other Hollywood locals were just trying to pretend not to notice. I, on the other hand, just stood there and stared until I realized my mouth was open a little and it was time to move on. I wish I had walked over to see what they were buying...
· Saw Kirsten Dunst and five hot blonde Barbie clones (they looked like a phalanx of Fem-bots) eating at Pace on Laurel Canyon on Saturday night. I had to fight off the staring so as not to unnerve my date.

· paris hilton was slumming it up at the roxy last night during the head automatica/hopesfall/vaux show. afterwards, she was outside signing autographs for everyone, looking very out of place, while the hardcore scene kids were sneering at her. i threw out every shred of dignity i had and asked for a picture, only because i wanted to send it to good ol' defamer.
· On the way back from a drunken BBQ in Santa Monica on Labor Day, my friends and I decide to brave the Swingers "Ass, Cash or Grass: Nobody eats for free" on Beverly. (They have a hideous new menu design) I look up spot Vincent Gallo and his date make their way up to the counter. No one ever mentions how HUGE Vincent's head is in real life. His date had obviously just bailed on her own prom to celebrate the Brown Bunny with Gallo. Vincent cooed over his brunette "Mischa Barton" wannabe sweet sixteen year old as they ordered what looked to be breakfast. Vincent delighted in checking out the waitresses while his "girl" decided to cram for her AP exams in the bathroom. I was staring to hard and he busted me looking at him. He proceeded to telepathically give me an "Ebert-esque" hex, as I suddenly lost my appetite. After leaving me lifeless in my booth, he kept straining his neck to check out the "Foxy Cleopatra" looking waitress as she bent over, until his girlfriend came back. More cuddling assumed as he laid his large head on her shoulder. Poor girl. Maybe she will get into a good college.
· just saw drea de matteo at lunch over at lulu's on beverly. no joey in sight, instead she was with a creepy shaggy dirty dude, his back was to me so i couldn’t tell if he was a “celeb”. she looked hot in a cleaned up jersey sorta way. not fazed at all by being out in public with minions like myself. joey sucks btw. she should get her ass back on sopranos.
· Almost ran into Ted Danson while coming out of the elevator into the parking garage in the Beverly Hills New Line building. He was wearing a baseball cap and schlubby attire and was approximately eighty million years old. Also, his head is four feet long - very Easter Island.
· I saw Andy Dick at Lola's last Thursday. He really irks me. He was having dinner with a mini-entourage(3-4 people) of what looked like a group of actors who think their shit doesn't stink just because they had a suporting role in a pilot that wasn't picked up. When I saw him, I immediately felt a pang of nausea. He is so fucking brutal
· my friends and I saw Ben McKenzie j-walk across vermont to enter Fred 62 for a little late night nosh, around 2:15 am ish. He was with a cute, scruffy, Seth Cohen-yet cooler looking guy. They sat at the counter just like normal people (well, 1/2 of the couple was normal, the friend wasn't famous or publicist-looking). Oddly, this was the same guy my boyfriend saw Ben working out with at the 24 hour fitness gym in Santa Monica a while back. Is Ben a man of the people? he works out at public gyms, and eats at diner counters where everyone can see him?
· I was in LA last weekend and saw several celebs. Friday saw Shawn Hatosy at Coffee Bean across from Grauman's, Peter Boyle at the Ivy for lunch, and Soleil Moon Frye shopping with her husband at Fred Segal on Melrose. She's tiny!! Saturday I saw Adam Brody at Buzz Coffee outside the Sunset Five, then about three minutes later Shane West (in giant Dior sunglasses) at the Griddle Cafe.
· even tho it's kinda like hunting on a game refuge, I sat near Robbie Williams at the Polo Lounge last night. he was there with some fella, both dressed quite fashionably casual. and the server seemed to know them both at regulars. the polo lounge has been good for a sighting every time I go, I've seen Kanye West, Donald Trump, and a very drunk Gena Rowlands all in the last couple months.
· On Friday night, saw the bald guy from Sex and the City (Evan Handler) at Chez Jay in Santa Monica. He was supposedly with a couple of hot girls but my memory of the night is too questionable to confirm. Also saw Finch (Eddie Kaye Thomas) sitting on the steps of a trailer on his cell phone. They were filming something on Schrader, just off Hollywood Blvd.
· Teensy-weensy Peter MacNicol just ran by my office in khaki shorts and a truly-horrifying-shade-of-green shirt, script in hand. He looked nice and normal, though, for someone known for playing "The Biscuit." To me, though, he'll always be Dr. Janosz Poha channeling Vigo Von Homburg Deutschendorf in that seminal epic Ghostbusters II. Sigh.
· Saw Curtis Armstrong at Mayfair Market in Hollywood. With his daughter (?) buying groceries and donating money to charity! (You know, those little cards you buy at the checkout so hungry families can eat). Yay Curtis!
· Sat right by first season Apprentice loser Nick Warnock at Birds on Franklin at dinner. He was sporting an almost crew-cut that made his trademark red hair almost unrecognizable, but once he opened his mouth, I knew it was the boy from Bayonne. He was uncomfortably lovey-dovey with his hot female companion, who was rocking a classy "Jew-Lo" t-shirt, executing many complicated and indigestion-inducing PDAs.
· Showing that there is no hell worse than the plight of a post-reality show cast member, I saw Steven from the Real World Las Vegas working the door at the Abbey Sunday night.