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We thought it was just us when Vincent Gallo denied our interview request, but it turns out he pretty much hates everyone and everything. Nice! A reader reports that Vincent Gallo not only refuses to be photographed (we bet he thinks the pictures will steal his dirty soul), but he also knows a "horrible, horrible" person when he sees one. Too bad he doesn't know the same thing about screenplays.

It seems that Gawker wasn't the only outlet snubbed by Mr. Brown Bunny (re the 2x4 interview). My sister was asked by index magazine to photograph that Terry Richardson penis porn extravaganza at Deitch and the afterparty at the Maritime Hotel on Friday. The night went pretty much like this for her:

Sister: Do you mind if I take your picture?
Tara Subkoff (delightfully stealing the show with Imitation of Christ portable store): Sure! You're so cute. Mind taking one of me and my boyfriend?
Sister: No problem.
Wes Anderson: Hi, I'm Wes.

Same basic thing with Leo Fitzpatrick (with beautiful girlfriend), photographer Ryan McGinley, a very tan Terry R., Boy George (looking thinner), Betsy Johnson and model Mini Anden. Lovely hipsters all around.

Then Vincent.

Sister: Mind if I take your photo?
Vincent: I prefer not.
Sister: Okay.

Later that night...

Sister: Time has passed. Do you mind if I take your picture now?
VG: I prefer not.
Sister: I'm just here to do my job. What's the big deal?
VG: You're a paparazzi.
Sister: I am not. I've been asked by the magazine to shoot this party.
VG: What magazine?
Sister: index magazine
VG: That's the worst magazine ever published.
Sister: Well, don't you think it's a little hypocritical to be at a party sponsored by them? Isn't that like supporting a magazine you supposedly hate?
VG: No. I'm just talking to my friends.
Sister: I think you're a hypocrite.
VG: I think you're a horrible, horrible person. You're a horrible, horrible person. You're a horrible, horrible person!