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We thought that the Kabbalah Centre's declaration that they were going to make the Israelis and Palestinian spontaneously engage in a group hug was easily going to be the most egregiously unhinged press release we'd encounter today. When are we going to learn? The Columbus Citizens Foundation, an organization committed to "preserving the rich Italian-American heritage," calls out Steven Spielberg and DreamWorks because the animated fishies in Shark Tale will brainwash kids into thinking all Italians are like the gesticulating, stab-happy Joe Pesci of GoodFellas.

In Shark Tale, bad guys are identified by Italian and Italian-American names, such as Don Lino, Luca, Giuseppe and Gino and by their use of Italian- American phrases of speech and slang, such as "capeesh", "maronne" and "agita". The movie introduces a new generation of children to the idea that people with Italian names — like millions of Americans across the country — are gangsters. Shark Tale creates an association between villains and Italian-Americans that will become imprinted in the developing minds of children.

We're guessing the Columbus crew is going to be really unhappy when they see the movie's climax, where a frustrated Will Smith fish throws a trashcan through the window of Shark-DeNiro's pizza place.

Related: Tough day for Italians: 'NYT' Loves Sloppy, Woppy Television