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Low Culture marvels at the creative firepower of movie studio marketing departments, who are charged with the difficult task of distilling the complex themes and emotional truths of such masterworks as Cellular and First Daughter into a snappy tagline. Their breakdown of Shark Tale's tag:

Shark Tale: "The story of what happens when one little fish tells a great white lie..."

So Dreamworks' animation division decides to rip off Finding Nemo. The very first Shrek had all those adult-oriented digs at Disney at Jeffrey Katzenberg's insistence. Jeffrey Katzenberg hates Michael Ovitz. And Michael Eisner, meanwhile, is slated to leave Disney by 2006. The two Michaels have historically argued over who prefers flounder and who likes trout, a schism which purportedly lead to the dissolution of their business relationship in the mid-90s.

Actually, when the little fish tells "a great white lie," he runs afoul of some thinly-veiled, spaghetti-bending caricatures brainwashing America's youth into believing all Italian-Americans are violent Mafiosos. But that's pretty hard to polish up and cram into a sentence on a one-sheet.