· Pop trollop Britney Spears demands that the Mandarin Oriental spa clear out all its guests before she exercises and gets a massage. Oh, and she wasn't even a guest at the hotel. How very J.Lo of her. [Page Six]
· Fresh from prison and making some cash: Mary Kay Letourneau and her former student-cum-lover, Vili Fualaau, plan on selling photographs documenting their reunion to the highest bidder. We're not sure we'd want to see those if you paid us. [NYDN]
· Val Kilmer pulls the diva act at new nightspot NA, asking the busboy to fetch him several pizzas and Italian dishes. He barely ate any of it, of course. [NYDN
· Addled actor Edward Furlong is arrested for public intoxication in Kentucky, where he tried to emancipate a tankful of lobsters at a local restaurant. Alcoholism aside, we think PETA would be proud. [Page Six]