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Remember supposedly A-list actor/pseudonymous blogger Rance? It used to be something of a blogger parlor game to try and divine his real-life identity, with guesses regularly attempting to out him as authentic (Ben Affleck, Owen Wilson, Jim Carrey, or George Clooney) or expose him as a "fake." No matter, he weathered the speculation (much of it coming from Defamer) and kept on blogging—until recently, when he began a search for a replacement Rance and largely turned over the site to guest-bloggers from his audience. This forced bloodthirsty blogger/actor hunters (again, us) to find new pursuits (more drinking, a fruitless hunt for Tara Reid's secret blog) and Rance to retire his title of Hollywood Fixation of the Month.

So what's Rance been thinking since he's gone on hiatus? Defamer e-mailed him this brief Q&A to ask him a few questions, promising not to float a nasty rumor that he's actually Gary Busey. And, to our shock, he smuggled the answers back to us through various anonymous e-mail accounts, Swiss web servers, and, just to show off, a Colombian coke mule. He's serious about anonymity. Sadly, the complicated transmission protocol didn't allow for follow-ups. The Q & A follows after the jump.

More effective as a pick-up line: "Hey, I'm an A-list actor," or "Hey, I write a blog under a pseudonym?"

Haven’t tried either. How does the pseudonym one work for you? I’d guess the A-list line, as mere suspicion that a person is a high-in-the-alphabet-list-er—despite denials by both him and his parents—has proven it can draw more nudie pix/related offers than there are nudists.

Have you really so run dry of piss and vinegar towards Hollywood that you're ready to retire from the blog? And, if so, why don't you come clean on your identity?

When I first went online to rant last December, I was into double digits in both. Now my Piss Count is downto about a 2.4, the Vinegar Level a manageable 0.8. Also, there’s only so many ways you can write, “My boss is a doofus.” Still,
something might happen tomorrow or the next day or November 2nd that’ll shoot the PissCount to 500. Pseudonymity provides a swell outlet. (And of course there’s the book launch to consider.)

What is the best lie (and, if they're not the same un- or half-truth, the most outrageous) that a publicist has ever told on your behalf?

That I’m Atkins-Recommended.

Les Moonves has just called to inform you that he's finally ready to launch his incredibly bloody invasion for world domination. You can choose any three people in Hollywood to take into his bunker until the carnage subsides. Who do you choose?

Me, my fresh-off-the-altar wife Naomi Watts, and you, Defamer.

When dining at The Ivy, where is the best place to sit to ensure that one will be captured in the most flattering light for a staged paparazzi photo?

New place, Ivy, right? Yet to get there.

From reading your blog, is it fair to guess you're no fan of the Bush Administration?

This perception stems from my blog banter with a commenter who gave the name George Bush and a White House e-mail address. He used a lot of malapropisms,spelled a lot of words wrong, and came off as pretty stupid. So I’d have to conclude it was a hoax.

Who would you label the Bush and Cheney of the entertainment industry?

Ernie and Bert.

Would you ever consider starring in a movie where a graphic act of fellatio were to be performed on you, knowing the act would make it on-screen in the final cut?

Not unless it’s a vampire flick.

What's your opinion of those "Respect Copyrights/Manny Perry Makes Movies" PSAs that run before movies?

Sexy, but not enough violence.