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· The reports from Britney's fairy-tale wedding: "The couple exchanged vows, then guests dined on chicken fingers, crab cakes, ribs and Waldorf salad. The newlyweds danced to Journey's 'Lights.'" Exactly what we expected, to be honest. [NYDN]
· Madonna's Kabbalah bracelet fails to protect her from the Israeli paparazzi, who ruined her pilgramage to Western Wall. [NYDN]
· Pamela Anderson does Jesus. No, not just the guy she teaches about in Sunday school — her actual boy-toy is named Jesus, too. Is Christianity the new Judiasm of entertainment? [Page Six]
· Local Fox News talking head Julie Banderas is a bit of a wild child. Pics of Julie in the news van with beer, cigarettes, and crotch-rubbing have surfaced. [Gatecrasher]
· While Tara Reid was acting as a celebrity "witness" to a JC Penney-sponsored wedding (which, um, makes us wonder what she's doing with her current agent), her overly-peroxided hair got a bit too close to the candles. As with most scents emanating from Tara, the smell was intolerable. [Page Six]
· Kate Moss and Johnny Knoxville hook up (again) during Fashion Week, along with everyone else in the world. Underfed models in overpriced clothes make people feel so romantic! [ELK]