Sightings are sent in by our obsessive-compulsive readers; send yours to

In this edition, all the usual suspects: John McEnroe, Phillip Seymore Hoffman, Julianne Moore, Ric Ocasek, Liv Tyler, Victoria Gotti with Lizzie Grubman and the Gotti sons, Sean Penn, Danny Masterson with Shandi from Top Model, Scott Thompson, Mandy Moore and Adam Duritz, James Iha, Jessica Miller, Steve Buscemi, Sean Lennon, Britney Spears, Kate Hudson and Chris Robinson, Chloe Sevigny, Steven Tyler, Ed Kowlaczyk (tossed in merely for the "What the fuck" factor), Tommy Mottola, Bjorl, Moby with Jesse Malin, Anna Wintour with spawn, Ed Burns and Christy Turlington, the ubiquitous Olsen Twins, Adrian Grenier, Vincent Gallo (duh), John Stewart, Randy Harrison, Ed Norton and Rosario Dawson, Flava Flav, Mary J. Blige, Tina Fey, Steve-O and May Anderson with Carment Kass and Richie Akiva, Kate Moss, Gael Garcia Bernal, Sam Rockwell and Ethan Hawke, Al Franken, Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon, the Stray Cats, Richard Parsons, Ethan from Survivor, and Gina Gershon.

Spotted at The Thrills show at Irving Plaza was a very angry (surprise) John McEnroe first giving his son the two minute warning, then returning to make him leave the concert early. Poor kid didn't even get to hear Santa Cruz. I've always felt bad for the little kiddies who got picked up by their parents for the 16+ shows at the Plaza, but it's got to be doubly worse if your pops is McEnroe. For some reason he introduced The Thrills on stage, twice. And he was wearing this awful pleather/vinyl jacket with a backwards Knicks cap.

Tuesday evening, I saw Phillip Seymour Hoffman in front of Gourmet Garage on Seventh Ave South. He was working a poor grad student look with backpack and baseball cap. Looking thinner than usual - perhaps he's low-carbing?

On Wednesday, I saw Julianne Moore with her adorable red-headed son, a man that wasn't her hubby and another kid in front of The New School. Perhaps they were on a play-date? Julianne looked fabulous in cargo pants, a t-shirt, and not a streak of make-up. Bitch.

Double Trouble: the distinguished gentleman who played Mr. Feeney [Ed: we don't care enough to look that one up] on "Boy Meets World" perusing the scrap book selection, while Ric Ocasek bought lord knows what at the register at Sam Flax on 23rd.

Had my own Liv Tyler sighting (1:30 PM, 9/16) at holistic pet store "Whiskers" in the E. Village. Recognized her immediately and we exchanged friendly eye contact. She's tallish, pretty, and seems sweet-natured. And very pregnant.

My friend and I were at Marquee for Pat Fields Candies party. The event was a disaster and no sooner were we getting a much needed buzz, a body guard informed us that someone was sitting where we were sitting. I looked for a reserved sign but there was none. I said 'I know, I am sitting here" to which he responded by forcing me out my seat to make way for Victoria Gotti, her wax figure sons and Lizzy Grubman (who is going to hell for sure) and the entire crew of her reality show. We then moved to another corner of the place only to be greated by Puffy's mom and her entourage. At that point we were so panic stricken we booked it before Lil' Kim made her entrance.

The oh so delious Sean Penn at a very public center table at Nobu last night (9-15) with 2 important looking non celeb guys and a woman who's hair was bleached like a stripper, maybe his wife Robin, but don't think so....

Last Saturday I was at the club/sushi bar 17 at 10pm and Danny "Chops" Masterson, from That 70's Show, was talking to Shandi (America's Next Top Model) and her cute boyfriend. Found out that Trump Model Agency has reserved the VIP room and Danny crashed it; "So hot right now" Lisa Cant was also in attendance. Then I saw Scott Thompson from Kids In the Hall at the Tribeca Hotel talking and laughing at the bar.

Adorable Mandy Moore and Counting Crowes Adam Duritz dining at Extra Virgin in the West Village last night with two other pals. A woman approached Mandy and gave her a really cool purse made of neckties. She must have been a designer. Mandy was very thankful and left wearing the bag.

When I'm strapped for cash, I eat breakfast at the Ukrainian deli on 2nd Ave and 9th street. Apparently, James Iha isn't doing so well himself right now, because I've now seen him there TWO DAYS IN A ROW. Not to mention several times last month at International Bar on First Avenue. Really, there are so many superstar hipsters in the lower East Village lately that I had been trying to figure out a way to make some cash off of them, but if Iha's resorting to $2 drinks and $3.50 breakfast specials, I think I'm out of luck.

Saw future 'It Model' Jessica Miller shopping the street necklace vendor in SoHo this past Saturday. Then she took a stroll into the SoHo's Co-Op to peruse the shoes.

I saw Steve Buscemi eating at a restaurant called Belleville in park slope, Brooklyn with another gentleman. He was wearing either a dark suit, or all black. Looks a lot paler in real life. He smiled at me as I walked by with my dog.

Saw Sean Lennon inside the BCBG afterparty on Monday. Also inside was Robin Tunney (I think? From The Craft?) And for some reason I feel like someone else was there that I just can't remember. Oh yeah, Laura Herring. What does she do again? Val Kilmer was at the show.

Saw Britney Spears with bodyguard and unidentified male companion at last night's performance of Wicked. She was wearing a beige blazer and hat that she kept on during the show. She ducked into her seat right before the curtain went up and did the same thing before the second act, though not before someone snapped a picture. I noticed she was drinking bottled water during the show. Will she be the next fading pop star on Broadway? I hope not.

I saw a babyless Kate Hudson and Chris robinson last night walking west on spring street towards broadway. i would never have recognized her unless her tall, fully bearded beau wasn't standing next to her. He's got a lot of facial hair. A LOT OF IT. I don't know how she finds his face underneath all that hair. She is hot hot hot! Had a litle newspaper boy cap on and was chatting away on her cell...

I saw Chloe Sevigny crossing the street while I was cabbing it to school Monday morning. She's taller than I thought she would be but not as thin, also uglier than I had expected and even more poorly dressed. It would be fun if she and Vincent Gallo hooked up because their nasty genes would intermingle and we'd be treated to the most monstrous celebrity offspring EVER.

Yesterday, I saw Steven Tyler walking into the Lucky Denim store on Columbus Ave. He was shorter than I thought, confused looking and he seemed to have low-knees-to-thigh ratio.

I've only moved to New York a week ago and I had two semi-celeb sitings. On Monday I was at Bar Pitti and I saw Ed Kowalczyk (the lead singer of the band Live) walk up to some Molly Ringwald-looking girl and announcing to her friends at the table that he took her to the prom. Then later on I saw Tommy Motolla talking on his cell phone outside of Da Silvano.

I saw bjork at freemans on friday 17 september, but for fear of being beaten didn't take a picture. She was wearing a pink cape and eating in the back left corner...

Early Saturday morning or late Friday night I was walking past the new Hotel on Rivington and saw Moby hanging out outside with downtown scene fixture Jesse Malin and some unidentified girls. Moby seemed very nice as he always does and was posing for photos with a bunch of fans, being very polite. Someone was saying he was coming from his birthday party at the hotel, which I didn t think had opened yet. I had to get
home so I kept walking ..

Sighting: Anna Wintour and daughter Bee at Union Square theater. She was smiling and bodyguard-free.

Ed (eh, "Edward") Burns (taller than I expected), Christy Turlington (shorter than I expected) and their baby (just about right, I guess) at Pace in Tribeca about 8:30 Friday night. We were waiting at the bar for our table, and big Ed came from the dining room with the baby in his arms, walking her around, letting her look out the window, etc. She was really cute and /very/ well behaved; he struck up a conversation with a couple dining at the bar. After about five minutes he returned with the baby to the dining room, and about ten minutes later Christy came through with the baby and the diaper bag and took off. Not sure whether Ed stayed to finish dinner . . .

friday 9/17/2004, i was at the regal battery park city movie theater to see the 5:20 p.m. show of wimbledon. when the movie ended and i walked out, i noticed a tiny girl with stringy blonde hair was walking out a few people ahead of my group. i noticed her because her hair was pulled up in a haphazard ponytail and she was wearing a ski jacket sure, it was one of those hip 70's-style ski jackets in a primary color scheme, but it was humid and like 80 degrees. I didn't pay any closer attention until later, when I walked out of the bathroom stall and started washing my hands. I looked in the mirror and who was prancing around the bathroom in the aforementioned ski jacket? Ashley Olsen. I also realized there was another version of her except this creature was bony and had brown stringy hair. Mary-Kate Olsen. Ashley seemed really cheerful until she noticed that I was looking at her in the mirror and then promptly signalled that it was time to depart. Then I saw her waiting at the elevators with Mary-Kate and another similar-looking (slightly taller) girl, maybe their sister? each of the three girls had a generic white male preppy companion. the boys looked smug as they were part of the main attraction. there was one bodyguard with an ear device following the group rather discreetly. he wasn't
particularly threatening though. i guess they chose battery park because even on a friday night, the place was not crowded at all. people murmured and were sneaking peeks at the two poor little rich girls, but nobody approached them. stars, they're just like us and enjoy watching cheesy romantic comedies. hardy-har-har.

Saw Adrian Grenier at the Delancey last night. Wish I didn't cause it sort of ruined my vision of him. His hair was all fro'd out (although it was humid, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt) and he has this large handlebar moustache that looks like he's been cultivating it for months. Ick. To his credit, he was very unassuming and just ignored onlookers.

saw Vincent gallo with two young girls, probably around 18 years of age (what a pervert) at Odessa two Sundays ago. then saw them three again on Elizabeth street on Wednesday, and Friday night. He was wearing jeans, and one girl had on a green coat, very chic, and skinny, the other girl was dressed very plain but was also attractive. They really looked about 15!

Friday, 4:45 p.m. - I saw John Stewart, of the Daily Show, walking in the lobby of my building on Sixth Ave between 47th and 48th - yes, that's FOX...what is he doing here? He was walking with a woman, and was wearing camel corduroy pants and a long-sleeved green shirt. His hair is the perfect mix of gray and brown, and it looked very news anchor-y and in place. He had a little pot belly. I stared him down, and perhaps freaked him out because I wasn't going to look away until I got a smile or nod or something. I know you're not supposed to make eye contact with the famous people here (or anybody for that matter), but ah, what the hell.

Saw Randy Harrison, nublie white chicken meat from Queer as Folk, checking out Dutch avant-garde director Ivo van Hove's "Hedda Gabler" at New York Theater Workshop last night, sloppily "incognito" in loose-fitting clothes, eyeglasses, and fluffy, splotchily highlighted hair. Kept roaming the lobby and scratching all around under his shirt at intermission... trying to attract attention with his hairlessness or just... suffering from a bad rash? His older companion didn't seem to mind, though... perhaps he had a vial of cortisone-cream warming at home?

So I was lounging in the VIP room at Lotus Thursday night (my motives for being there will remain strictly confidential), and one of the owners walked in with Ed Norton and Rosario Dawson in tow (yep, they're dating). She was wearing thick rimmed black glasses, wearing a boho-chic outfit and was MUCH taller than I expected - also much less attractive. He was scrawny (for an upcoming role, perhaps) and dressed in a green polo and shabby jeans.

I was just eating lunch at the Beth Bath & Beyond cafe on 6th ave when Flava Flav (formerly of Public Enemy and star of the current edition of The Surreal Life) walked in with a bodyguard / handler. He was decked out in an over-sized Ecko denim ensemble featuring that large Knicks clock hanging from his neck. Most people didn't recognize him but a few females shook his hand; one gave him a hug. He seemed pretty friendly, ordered a sandwich. No sign of Brigitte.

Noshing at Nobu, had to keep it quick because Mary J. Blige couldn t be kept waiting (we were walk-ins). Food was great, but skanks abound (many a lone bare shoulder and I-took-scissors-to this sweaters) for the 8.00pm seating. Sure enough the diva appeared for her 9:30 table looking fantastic in gray fedora and bling. Next time I eat with her.

i was horrified by the sight of tina fey and some little over-tanned guy who looked like he was a junior high wrestling coach in el segundo in the late eighties while waiting in line to see 'sky captain and the blimp' or whatever at the lincoln center loews friday night. anyone who thinks she is geeky-cute or some kind of nerd sexpot need only see her in person. she is fucking busted. oh, and then after the movie when i went across the street to get a sixer of budweiser for the walk home, there she was again..
haunting around the darkened orange juice fridge with weird guy.
chazz palminteri having dessert in ferrara with some unidentified nerdy guy during the feast of san gennaro sunday night 9/19. no one
seemed to know who he was.

Steve-O and model May Anderson partying at some miserably hot club on fourth ave. (duke & dutchess) Friday night, also in attendance, Carmen Kass and boyfriend Richie Akiva (co-owner of the dump) and also Manny from Steve-O's "Wildboyz", who was not playing with wildlife surprisingly enough.

Kate Moss on Rivington near Essex, walking with an equally stunning female friend.

Sunday around 4pm, glanced across the intersection and saw Gael Garcia Bernal of "Y Tu Mama Tambien" waiting to cross the street. Gael was rocking a blue velvet blazer and jeans. Though quite the handsome devil, I'd have to say his crushability diminished substantially when I saw what a truly tiny man he is. Maybe that's why his head always looks so big onscreen.

at a party down on varick street friday night and saw some short and fat stars again..the short stars were sam rockwell and ethan hawke..the fat ones were some soprano guys..never know their names as they are all interchangeable..the only question i left the party with was trying to figure out if i have ever seen ethan hawke sober? someone help me.

I'm sure you're thrilled to get a second-hand account of a B-list celebrity sighting... but: my father saw Al Franken on a Sunday morning flight from New York to Cleveland. Al was sitting in coach and fiddling with a mini Ipod and paging through a binder that had a sheet slipped into it that said, written in large typewritten letters, THIS BELONGS TO AL FRANKEN. Subtle, eh? Apparently, my father sat in the aisle seat and Al was sitting in the window seat, with no one in the middle seat. Before the flight took off a couple came up and asked Al Franken to move — no, not to first class, but to his proper seat, which was one row up (the bulkhead row) and in a row where the middle seat was filled already, making for more cramped quarters for him. He was nice about it, I guess. My father said something to the couple about asking Al Franken to move (amused they had the guts, I guess) and they said, "who's Al Franken?"

I sure by now you have received a thousand emails about Tim Robbins jumping on stage in drag to play a vanity mini-set with Train Wreck at the Mercury Lounge on Saturday. I saw him and wife Susan Sarandon enter for the last few songs of the Zambonies (who kick ass). At one point she was standing right behind my clueless friend from out of town. She looks like every surban mother you ever met- I wanted her to make me meatloaf and loan me the car for the weekend. Tim/Slim's two song set was ok, but the "Drugs are bad" song or whatever was a bit preachy. Star fucker that I am I shook his hand as he left the stage. Man, he is one tall drink of water.

You gotta throw some props my way for recognizing the Stray Cats (complete) with Brian Seltzer - he hasn't changed a bit since I was Sexy & 17... They were all in a local Joaia Pharmacy on Beach Street in Tribeca. They were buying Sprites. So random...

Not sure how interesting this is but I just had a sighting of Time Warner CEO Richard Parsons enjoying a burger at the outdoor burger stand Shake Shack in NYC's Madison Square Park with an unidentified, casually-dressed (jeans and sweater) brunette in her late 30s or early 40s. I really wanted to walk up to him and ask him about the MGM issue but he seemed very into his lunch and soda. Not only was I surprised to discover that he has fabulous taste (Shake Shack burgers are the BEST - they rival In N Out) I was also surprised that there were no bodyguards around, no town car idling nearby...just him in his smart suit, his female friend, and their food. They were quiet for long stretches of time, like they didn't have much to say to one another/had a familiarity that didn't demand constant conversation and the conversation looked low-key; no real smiles or laughter and I was observing them for a good 35 minutes.

I had brunch at Tartine Saturday (9/18) around noon when I saw a very pregnant Liv Tyler walk by with her dog (king charles spaniel I think). She is huge and looks ready to give birth any minute now. Interestingly enough, she was walking with Ethan (is that his name?) the curly haired cute guy from Survivor, who was walking his dog. Very odd combo. Where the heck was her Spacehog hubbie?

The same night, I went to a photography exhibit at Matthew Marks' Gallery (Chelsea) and saw Gina Gershon there looking very Mary Kate- thin and grungy. When I asked the annoying little bartender for a drink, he claimed there were no clean glasses. When GG asked, lo and behold, they had a glass for her. So was she getting special B-list treatment or was she just drinking from a dirty glass? Given how grungy she is, I'd bet her glass was dirty.