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On Friday, we'd heard that the scrap at The Lot in Hollywood between crews on Jack & Bobby and Flightplan was a relatively minor dust-up between a punchy outsider and a pair of brothers who worked on those productions. A source assures us that story wasn't true, and that a J&B crew guy had himself a personal wrap party at the nearby Formosa before returning to the Lot and getting into a scrap with a Flightplan crew member in a shared work area. Supposedly the boozed-up J&B guy responded to getting his jaw broken by pulling a large utility knife, which understandably sent onlookers scrambling to call the cops. The report contained no instances of gun-fire, swordplay, or mother jokes, so hopefully no bad blood will linger between the the two productions when they run into each other on the soundstage or at the commissary. No one wants a rumble on Fried Chicken Day.