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All girls want to grow up to be princesses, but few have the balls to go to town once they put on the gown. Instead, they spend their time crying forlornly and wandering around Barney's. Princess Superstar took the pumpkin carriage by the reigns and crowned herself. Girls, take a page from this DJs fairy tale: Ordinary living just don't cut it. Check out the 5X5 re-mix after the jump.

Name: Concetta
Age: 18-35
Occupation: Muzak
Location: New York City

1. You've been interviewed in Crains and Playboy. Which is a hotter experience: dudes drooling over your business acumen or dudes just drooling over you?

Definitely Crains. Especially because my dad could show off at his office for once.

2. You DJ'd at the Powerhouse Gallery for a photography show of heavy metal pictures. But you didn't spin Maiden's "Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter." Care to explain the thinking behind your set list and why this classic was omitted?

Well, I played Warrant, but I guess I do owe you an apology. Were you there when I played "We are the World" ? Does that make up for it?

3. iPod DJ parties? Good for the DJ game, or wanksters fronting all ill-like? (Was I using all those words right?)

I believe it's frontin' with a dropped "g". I guess if you don't care about looking like a total ass with two iPods it could be aight.

4. While you were born here in NYC, you spent your formative years in rural Pennsylvania. Other than the fact that horse and buggies are terrible modes of transportation (or however people get around in the suburbs) what made you realize you had to get out of there?

2 words: Orange Julius

5. One project of yours, with Alexander Technique, is called DJs are not rock stars. I couldn't agree more but I'm at a loss to know what they are and whether they are still allowed to have groupies?

Hell yeah. Are you kidding? Even if you are playing someone else's music, you are still on stage. That counts.

Princess Superstar s Top 5 songs to have sex to/laugh at the same time:

1. Prototype- Outkast
2. Jungle Love- The Time
3. Fuck her Gently- Tenacious D
4. We don't Need it- Lil Kim & Junior Mafia
5. Pour Some Sugar on Me- Lita Ford

More info on appearances, CD s, etc at