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We'll be the first to admit that Serendipity wasn't exactly the best movie on earth (unless, of course, we're menstruating), but has Kate Beckinsale's career plummeted so southward that she can't even pay for her Manolos? Or is a pretty doppelganger ruining her "good" name? A reader reports that Kate might be doing the dance of the Winona:

While trying on boots at Barney's, a tall attractive brunette sat near me to try on some plain-looking Manolos. After staring intensely, I realized it was none other than Kate Beckensale. It was maybe 70 degrees outside and rainy, but she proudly donned a white floppy knit hat and a white jacket. All of a sudden, she and the milquetoast girl she was with literally sprinted out of the shoe section and headed down the escalator. When I got up to pay for my boots, the walkie talkies of all the employees went wild over a shop lifting panic concerning a woman in a white hat and white jacket. Coincidence? Perhaps. I didn't stick around for the aftermath.

Hmm. We thought big-budget vampire movies wouldn't be so rough on Kate's wallet, but apparently it did quite a number on her psyche. She steals for the thrill, people!