Short Ends: Cybill, Selma, And Still More Paris

—Team Fugly examines Cybill Shepherd's disturbing transformation from Little Red Riding Hood to a menopausal version of Yahoo Serious.
—LAVoice's Mack Reed wonders whether The Highlands would exist if not for the Hollywood premiere party circuit. Our guess: No, it would not.
—Our A Dirty Shame blog interviews Selma Blair, and there's no avoiding the giant, latex elephant in the room.
—Sure, she's personally worth tens of millions of dollars and her family owns a chain of hotels, so why wouldn't we believe that Paris Hilton has never heard of the Wall Street Journal? [third item]
—Disney's board of directors says it will find CEO Michael Eisner's replacement by June. If they expect to stick to that timetable, they'd better get to work right now disarming the elaborate network of booby-trap "checks and balances" meant to keep torch-wielding shareholder mobs at bay.
—Buy an Associate Producer credit on eBay and get started on your fake producing career today!