Sightings are sent in by readers; send yours to

In this edition: JC Chasez and Jamie Kennedy dance, Chris Klein and Katie Holmes get domestic, Donna Karan walks her new mantoy, Anna Wintour looks "adorable" (?!), Jocelyn Wildenstein scares people, Lou Reed struggles with clothes, Alan Cumming stays short, Gael Garcia Bernal is wee, Kate Hudson goes incognito, Minnie Driver stalks a reader, Jane Krakowski helps customers, Laura Bush does Oscar de la Renta, Adam Duritz grows big breasts, Michael Vartan ties up dogs, Philip Bloch drags around his bike, Tony Danza shushes, and Rip Taylor is confused.

Danced next to JC Chasez and Jamie Kennedy at Suede on Saturday night... JC was accompanied with a big bodyguard, attracting more attention to his mullet, while Jamie Kennedy was there with a very bleached blonde.

Just 30 minutes ago I was making my way through the 34th st subway station (entrance closest to victoria secret) when I look up to see Katie Holmes (taller than I thought) and Chris Klein (as expected) going through and up the stairs in what I can only assume was some kind of attempt to avoid their throngs of adoring fans. She had a green leather bag and he was carrying a shopping bag from ferragamo. Guess the engagement is still on.

So I walk into the deli on our neighborhood (BeCa) that I almost never go to as it is dirty, half-stocked and run by people who really don't want our business to begin with (uhm, terrorists???) - every neighborhood has one. Who comes busting out the door as I walk in? Hotty Hot hot ass Chris Klein. Trust Me - he is the bag of chips... but something's wrong. He comes walking back in 2 seconds later (literally) and yells "Katie! Let's go." Yes, he was barking at the very lovely Katie Holmes who is just peachy and adorable paying for her water/papers/ whatever at the counter. She replies to him with dead silence and joins him as they literally vanish down the street. They are one good looking, TALL couple. Maybe the decided to move to NYC since they can't find a house in Beverly Hills they can agree on...

At around 6:40 P.M., I saw Chris Klein and Katie Holmes at 14th Street and Eighth Avenue. They were both bundled up, and much taller then I thought they would be. They were not smiling and did not look happy,
but were not arguing (or talking, for that matter).

On Sunday 9/19 I saw Donna Karan and her boy toy, J.J. Biasucci (he's a model or something? looked like he belonged at a frat party), walking east on Spring St. She was wearing this brown sweater/cape like thing that seemed unwieldy and was falling off her. She looked very old and haggard. Couldn't tell she'd had a face lift.

Anna Wintour coming out of Wimbledon, the movie, Saturday night 9/18 at Union Square movie theater. She must weigh about 16 lbs with her Tods on. Hair was PERFECT, like chiseled out of stone. great trench. v. pretty face, big doe eyes. she really didnt seem like a huge ice queen, though; her daughter was in baggy jeans and Reef flip flops like some shloppy suburban kid. But seriously they were laughing and looked adorable. did I mention they had just seen WIMBLEDON? draconian pistol whipper my ass.

I saw Jocelyn Wildenstein emerge from a black Mercedes this past Saturday (9/18) night. She was heading into Pastis with a small group of people I didn't recognize. She is, by far, even scarier in real life. Her weird, cat-like face was so close to mine and my friend screamed, "Don't look right at her!" and hid. She was wearing tight flared jeans with, like, leopard print paneling. I'm still shuddering.

Saw Lou Reed at Aquagrill on spring st. and 6th ave last night. He was with his wife and another woman. They all looked old. Lou had trouble putting on his (very sexy) tan suede jacket after the meal - arthritis? too much to drink? Don't know what they ate, but since it's Aquagrill I'm guessing it was fish-related.

I saw Alan Cumming on the corner of 14th and 8th Ave yesterday. In a black suit and dope glasses, he was lookin' pretty hot, despite being both 5' 4" and Alan Cumming.

A second to the person who said Gael Garcia Bernal is both gorgeous and man-tiny. Saw him on e. 5th last friday night and he is itty-bitty but adorable. Then, monday morning, Kate Hudson looking all unabomber in covered-up hoodie and sunglasses crossing the street at Astor Place, make-up free and singing (kind of loudly) to her nondescript chubby baby. actually it was sweet. As for Minnie Driver, she is either stalking me, or lives around fourth and lafayette. Saw her last week with a friend, looking nice-ish and normal, and then yesterday morning in front of jivamukti with huge fuzzy hair and no makeup. is she still famous? depends on how her album does i guess..but her skin is very milky and pore-free.

Shopping at Karikter on Prince this past Sunday, friends and I saw Jane Krakowski, looking petite and adorable in jeans and a tweed blazer. My friend was checking out a novelty camera Jane explained how it worked and then remarked that the place seemed like a good place to shop for gifts.

Laura Bush stoped by 550 7th ave today to visit the Oscar de la Renta showroom.

Triple sighting in Gramercy on Saturday, all within 10 minutes. First, Adam Duritz and his manboobs made an appearance at 71 Irving. Can we not talk about his hair, which took up a chair on its own? Seriously, I had to leave because it was making me itchy, and when I did, I came face to face with the gorgeous (but tiny) Michael Vartan. He was tying dogs to a railing I believe, but this cannot be confirmed because I was too busy hissing into my cell phone, "Oh girl, you will not believe who I'm looking at!" Because I'm just that subtle. I went over to my apartment, where I ran into celeb stylist Philip Bloch, bloch-ing the hallway with his bicycle. Overall, the triple sighting was like fois gras between two slices of Wonder Bread. I give it a C-.

saw Tony Danza at the CSI: New York screening last night. He spent the first five minutes shushing the entire crowd loudly. odd, odd man.

Just ran into timeless comedien, the man "who reinvented confetti," Rip Taylor! He was trying to hurry to exit through the turnstyle security gates of my Rockefeller Center office building just while I was entering. He got totally confused and stuck in the automatic doorway and shrieked, "Oww! How do you work these things!" With a blousy top and shimmering golden hair and handlebar moustache, he looked exactly the same as always.