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We at Defamer are sad to report that we've confirmed that the rumored Miramax layoffs are now in progress. We've always imagined that Harvey Weinstein personally wanders the halls on his job-slashing sprees, handing out pink-slips and last-chance verbal abuse while dressed as the Grim Reaper. Too morbid? Maybe we'll e-mail him and suggest he spring fifty bucks to rent a bunny costume to take the edge off.

UPDATE: More details about the layoffs: We're hearing there have been 40 55 people let go so far (the only departments affected that we've heard about are marketing in NY and the music department in LA). Whispers also have it that there will be no severance packages for the affected employees and all overtime for assistants has been eliminated. Oh, and many of the fed-up Left Behind are talking mass resignation. A bloody coup would make better headlines, but we're not the type to suggest violence.

And if that doesn't sound like enough fun for one day, they're not just cutting jobs at the 'Max, they're cutting costs by confiscating all CrackBerries and yanking company cell phones from the ears of most remaining staffers. Let's try not to think of this as downsizing, just a company-wide clearance sale. Everyone must go!