Short Ends: A Busy Day In Remainderland

—Vividblurry does the math on the devolution of Lil Kim. It all adds up!
—The Billionaire Bitchslappers Club continues its petty rampage across America's talk shows and gossip rags.
—Harrison Ford shows his affection by tossing Calista Flockhart into a trashcan. But can anyone prove conclusively he wasn't merely disposing of an old skeleton he had lying around?
—Britney Double Shot: More on the wedding's legal status and a look at her lost memo. Someone call Dan Rather, this looks like it's in his wheelhouse.
—Paris Hilton's logo is eerily similar to someone else's.
—Tantric self-loving sister site Fleshbot stumbles upon a pre-enhancement nipple slip from Defamer's favorite human distillery.