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The LAT discovers online writer bitch-board WriterAction, where WGA members can evaluate (or anonymously vent about) the studio executives who make their lives miserable with free rewrites, constant firings, and the kinds of helpful story suggestions that usually result in talking-animal movies.

One Hollywood exec is described as a "nightmare" who engages in "endless lying." Other movie bigwigs are labeled "obnoxious," "gutless" and "afraid to express any opinion for which she might be held accountable." It gets even nastier: One producer is accused of abusing female staffers, and of another, it is said: "instead of putting money on the screen, he puts it into his pocket."

We should note that (unlike this site) the board has other purposes besides the gleeful spreading of rumors and character assassinations. And adding to the buzzkill is the fact that you have to be a verified member of the WGA to read the dirt and evaluations. If you want access, we suggest you befriend a writer at your local coffee shop; if he's between gigs, it shouldn't take much more than a frappuccino bribe to get a password.