To Do: Your Weekend Directives

1. Token Surreal Life-related activity: Jordan Knight flies solo at the Roxy in a show that will test either the limits of your NKOTB fandom or your ironic appreciation of shameful enthusiasms of your youth. Hang tough, people.
2. Shed your preconceived notions that all Italians are gangster CGI sharks as prominent paesans Adam Carolla, Tommy Lasorda, and Jimmy Kimmel (who knew?) host the third annual Precious Cheese Feast of San Gennaro at the Grove. Remember, meat and cheese are Atkins-friendly.
3. Happy Yom Kippur. We suppose that many of you will be busy with the atoning.
4. It wouldn’t be a proper To Do without some art thing for the cool kids: Cannibal Flower at Hangar 1018.
5. Another day, another film festival: The Silverlake Film Festival begins. Hey, that’s how it goes in this town; if you don't like it, maybe we can show you a nice ranch house in Utah? Shit, they have a film festival, too.
6. AIR, Stereolab, and Sondre Lerche play the Hollywood Bowl. BYO hallucinogens. Ah, we're just kidding. The music's fine even if you're sober. Not that we would recommend that at the Bowl.