Short Ends: One More Nipple For Good Measure

—"The source insisted that Leno’s stepping down had nothing to do with his recent interview with L.A. Weekly revealing his left-of-center politics." Whew, for a minute there we thought Nikki Finke brought down the Leno regime. At least Conan's getting promoted, no matter how he got there.
—As if Kevin Federline's unearned celebrity weren't troubling enough, there's now an army of Federlings running around. [via]
—The latest victim of actress nipple-slippage: Gwyneth Paltrow. You're really going to have to squint for this one.
—Lindsay Lohan's dad gets chucked out of Scores, quickly ascends our list of People We Want To Drink With, But Are A Little Afraid Of.
—Since she's an American citizen (we think), we probably can't block Madonna's return to our country. But way to go, Egypt!