Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Oprah!

Hollywood PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are sent by you, the pointing-and-laughing reader. Send yours to tips@defamer.com.
In this episode: Oprah Winfrey yells at her camera crew in the Beverly Center, Kate Bosworth and Orlando Bloom check out some Air, Arnold Schwarzenegger walking unnoticed in Santa Monica, Jimmy Kimmel and Sarah Silverman peeing like normal people, Lance Bass (spotted twice) laughing at Kathy Griffin's Britney Spears jokes, Nicole Richie and Nicky Hilton mobbed by paparazzi at the Prada store, Ashlee Simpson (with special bonus camphone picture!), Selma Blair and Ahmet Zappa, Cheryl Hines, Ben Harper, Jacklyn Smith, and Pauly Shore desperately advertising his mockumentary.
· I was minding my own business at the Beverly Center today when my browsing was cruelly interrupted by the woman who brought Dr Phil to the nation and yelled at us all to read more: yes, I'm talking about Oprah. She was in — of all places — Express, shooting a segment and yelling at her crew. Sadly, I couldn't tell if she was mocking-yelling at them for humorous effect, or if she was really yelling at them because she is a bitch. It kinda seemed like the former, but I plan to pretend it was the latter. She has a surprisingly good body in person — tallish (for a celebrity), but quite slim and porportional — and was wearing a very attractive light blue shirt that I think actually was from Express. Sadly, there was no sign of Stedman.
· Saw Kate Bosworth and Orlando Bloom enjoying the Air concert at the Hollywood Bowl Sunday night. They¹re so cute. Both dressed in black. With friends including Lake Bell on the Practice.
· Waiting at the light in front of Starbucks at the corner of Montana and 7th in Santa Monica, I spied the Governator himself. He was dressed in a plain t-shirt and shorts, walking with a teenaged girl I suspect was his daughter. Trailing just a few steps behind him was his security detail, a solitary, older white dude with a 'stash and a bad suit jacket. The Gov looked thin and healthy, and seemed relaxed and at ease waiting for the light to change. It appeared that nobody around seemed to realize who he was.
· Jimmy Kimmel and Sarah Silverman sneaking into a 7-ish showing of GARDEN STATE at the Grove this past weekend — couple came in just after the lights went down. Hit the lobby restrooms after the movie like normal people. She's pretty sexy in person.
· At Kathy Griffin's painfully funny comedy show at the Laugh Factory I saw Lance Bass from NSync. Lance was seemingly taking great pleasure in every single 'Britney is a trashy ho and her fake husband is a loser that's going to steal her money' joke, and was totally nodding in agreement at the idea that everything Brit does is to show Justin that she's over him. He did not utter even a chuckle during a riff on Justin and Cameron, but seemed to really enjoy the jokes about Clay Gayken. All Kathy's jokes were about how Justin and Cameron seem to be this perfect, classy couple but JT's just a crazy wigga and Cameron has a man body. It was actually pretty brutal stuff. He did not seem amused, but like I said, totally busted up at every Brit/Kev joke.
· Saw Lance Bass and his scary arched eyebrows at Kathy Griffin's show at Laugh Factory last night. He drank clear cocktails that kept on coming and threw his head back in laughter at all her Justin/Britney stuff (all hilarious).
· Probably not so newsworthy is yet another sighting of "That's HOT" girl Nicole Richie, and to make matters even more run-of-the-mill, she was outside the Beverly Hills PRADA store, with Nicky Hilton even. I thought people were just taking pictures of the retarded PRADA store - no outside walls or door, and the mannequins are in plexiglass tunnels you can only see when you walk up to what looks like giant holes in the pavement - until I was suddenly literally swarmed with cameras. Then I turned my head to the right (and looked down) to discover the teensy Nicole Richie, with an ugly chick I later realized was Nicky Hilton at her side. Paparazzi and tourists closed in like locusts and for a moment I actually felt sorry for these two celebretrons. Seriously, people were hanging out of cars and vans, taking her picture, calling her name - the works. I know Defamer might not want to hear this part, but when I talked to her she was very nice. She didn't say "That's HOT" though, which is okay because I can still hear it at least a dozen times a day on Stern.
That Hilton girl better be glad she's literally made of money though, 'cause She Am Damn Ugly. You'd think she could afford some hair conditioner - I thought she was wearing a wig from the Halloween Store.

· look! i was taking this photo of a bag of charcoal and after closer inspection i noticed ashlee simpson and her mohawk-sporting-bass-guitar-playing lover(?). they were oogling over a baby. frankly, her friend was cuter.
· I spotted Selma Blair catching an early-for-Los-Feliz dinner (that's around 6) at Mexico City. Blair walked into the place with a snarl and slouch that said, "Hey, look at me not wanting you to look at me." I didn't turn to gawk, but I guess she was sitting on the same side of the booth with her husband, Ahmet Zappa. All I saw was a bald guy out of the corner of my eye.
· Spotted exiting a parking garage in Beverly Hills: Cheryl Hines of Curb Your Enthusiasm. She was not driving a Prius, she was driving a big bad BMW and she wasn't looking at Larry David in frustration. She had a woman in the car with her, was smiling broadly and drinking from a cup while pulling that non-fuel efficient vehicle into traffic.
· Saw Ben Harper shopping at Storyopolis on Robertson on Sat. And "original Charlie's Angel" Jacklyn Smith at Barnes & Noble in The Grove looking pretty hot for an older lady.
· Pauly Shore was driving a white car, around 2 today, east on DeLongpre (I was cutting through to the Arclight). The car was wrapped (3M style) with an ad that said "Pauly Shore is Dead."