To Do: Headshots, Sting, And Hotnights

1. Spend an evening with Fox TV casting execs at the Sportsmen's Lodge in Studio City. We can't guarantee that attendance will guarantee that you'll be discovered or inserted into your very own reality show, but at least you can meet the people whose assistants shred your unsolicited headshots.
2. Remember when a Police-era Sting and Eurythmic Annie Lennox used to flaunt an almost threatening sexuality in their music? Well, they're older now, so you won't have to worry about that scary sex stuff, unless you're part of the circa-1987 VH-1 generation. See them at the Hollywood Bowl tonight and demand that Sting lay off the ululating and play his classics instead.
3. If you like your rock hotter, younger, and a lot more Swedish, pass up the Bowl and catch the Sahara Hotnights at the Roxy.