Krucoff's Data Dump: The Strange World Of 'NYT' Vows, Pt. 2
Status-conscious social climbers from all corners of the earth descend on NYC in search of that special someone, preferably with a beluga whale-sized bank account. The phrase "Work Hard, Mate Hard" certainly applies here. People often complain that the first question upon meeting someone else in New York is "What do you do?" It's a fair question, to some a measure of adaptability, and usually followed by, "Can you pass that?" But how does this translate onto the pages of the New York Times Wedding Vows? After the jump, Intern Alexis and Andrew Krucoff won't hurt your head with words; the charts tell a story of grooms on Wall Street, brides in the classroom, and The Gays all over the map.

Stay tuned for the third part in the NYT Wedding Vows series as we explore the exploding red slice of 'Finance' and what kind of women these mercenaries of industry marry.