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Last week Warner Bros. announced that the release of Oliver Stone's Alexander was getting pushed back a couple of weeks, presumably so they'd have a better shot at some Oscars. But now The Scoop's Jeannette Walls reports that the opening was moved over concerns that the movie's hot man-on-man action might be too much for the public's delicate sensibilities:

"[T]here are scenes between Colin [Farrell, who plays Alexander] and women, but there’s also some passionate scenes between Colin and Francisco Bosch.” Bosch plays Bagoas, a Persian eunuch, who many historians believe was Alexander’s lover.

“Some of the suits at Warner Bros. think that the movie-going public just isn’t ready to see that," the insider reports. “There’s some pretty heated arguments going on over it.”

Hold on...this is hot man-on-eunuch action? Ooh. They're probably right, America's not going to be ready for this until someone castrates Sean Hayes on Will & Grace and we get at least a TV season to acclimate. And, sadly, that time is not yet upon us.