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· Did Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake break up over infidelities? Justin is rumored to have been secretly dating a 26 year-old brunette named Monica who, I'm sure, is absolutely brilliant. Smart people stick together! [Page Six]
· The dumbass saga of Paris Hilton continues: she was notably absent from reality partner Nicole Richie's birthday party. Perhaps it's because Richie's ex-boyfriend is the one trying to sell Paris' latest sex-drugs-n-racism tape? [NYDN (3rd item)]
· P. Diddy's Citizen Change art exhibition threw the worst party ever. Kimora Lee Simmons and Naomi Campbell were there, but nothing happened? WTF? Is everyone sober now? Boo! [Page Six]
· Oil heir Brandon Davis gets in a fistfight with Dole heir Justin Murdock. Davis' girlfriend, actress Mischa Barton, watches on in mock horror and then berates Davis loudly. The rest of the world rolls its collective eyes. [NYDN]