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In this overflowing edition: Ben Affleck, Owen Wilson, Albert Hammond Jr., Gisele Bundchen, Paul McCartney and Heather Mills, Linda Evangelista, Jon Stewart, Julie Delpy, Liv Tyler, Vincent Gallo, Shandi from Top Model, Jimmy Fallon, Anderson Cooper, Jim McGreevy, Anthony LaPaglia, Isaac Mizrahi, Lizzie Grubman, La La, Dennis Franz, Willem Dafoe, Eric Nies, Brendan Sexton III, Ethan Hawke, Alec Baldwin, Kerri Russell, Mary Louise Parker, David Byrne, Michael Imperioli, Mike Tyson, Famke Janssen, Jay Manuel, Bill Rancic, Patricia Clarkston, Brandon and Niki from Amazing Race, James Wolcott, Glen Close, Jennifer Connelly, Inconsiderate Cell Phone Man, Kelly Osbourne, Kyan from Queer Eye, Sarah Jessica Parker, Minnie Driver, G.E. Smith, Diego Garcia, Giovani Ribisi and Tim Roth, and, as always, your dose of Olsen.

Monday night I walked up Lafayette Street a few steps behind Ben Affleck (hosting SNL this week). He was wearing a baseball cap that barely sat on his head and baggy clothes, he was unshaven and wasn't exactly walking straight . . . in short, he seemed to be Ben Affleck doing a Ben Affleck imitation. Interestingly enough, a normal looking New York girl was following a few steps behind him. She didn't appear to be with him, but every now and then he'd turn to say something to her. I couldn't hear his words, but he seemed to be trying to get rid of her. It didn't exactly work, as, when he entered an apartment building at about Lafayette and Astor Place, she followed him in as the door closed behind him.

saw owen wilson standing outside that bar Open near Chelsea Piers. He was talking to a small girl with short black hair. The girl left, he went inside the bar and then left about 5 minutes later. he looked scruffy.

Was at 17 (17 b/w 5/6) and saw Owen Wilson walk in Hansel style at about midnight. Was furiously texting my bro who worships him until I ran into OW in the bathroom...he has a huge head and a small emaciated body...he was shamelessly hitting on these gross models. No one could really understand him b/c he was so f-ed up. Another celebrity pedestal shattered.

Hansel (Owen Wilson), was partying with Amy Sacco and the two Costa Rican princes in New York (Sammy and Johnny Rico) at no other than Bungalo 8 last night til the break a dawn.

Arguing with my boyfriend about my my nic-fits while walking up 2nd avenue last night around 11:30, and spot three uber-hipsters outside
the Ukranian National House (?) at 9th street with smokes. Among them, a messy-haired Albert [Hammond Jr.] a la Strokes. When I noticed who it was, I clued in my 'I only like hard, punk rock so am therefore holier than thou beau, and proudly exclaimed, "See honey, all the cool kids are doing it!" End of argument.

Last night at the Ryan Adams show at the Beacon (9/30), saw Stroke Albert Hammond Jr in the lobby after the show with a few friends (minus that hot girlfriend as far as I could tell). He looked the same as always - big ridiculous hair, goofy smile, dark blazer and dark pants that barely made it to his ankles.

I saw the oh-so gorgeous Gisele this morning. She had her 8 year old tea-cup terrier, Vita with her. We spent some quality time in the eleveator and I had the notion to ask whether her and Leo really were through and if she really was dating Josh Hartnett. However, I decided against it and we talked about the dog instead. This woman really is flawless and she's super nice. Bitch!

Paul McCartney, Heather Mills and their aryan spawn walking up 9th Ave. bet. 55th and 56th streets at 8:45 am this morning- I noticed that their child is exceptionally adorable ( I actually noticed the baby first, then the parents), big blue eyes, made eye contact with me. Shame she has some horrid name like eunice or beatrice or something. She was riding in some baby-bjorn-like device strapped to her dad, who looks old enough to her grandfather. I think that Stella's stepmom might be taller than Paul. Also her hair is too long for a woman married to a man of that age. I don't see many celebs in the area and both and the sanitation workers were surprised to see them, they told me that someone approached him for an autograph and he said no. Anyway the blue-eyed threesome continued up the Ave. of the Americas causing heads to turn.

Saw Linda Evangelista yesterday walking through Chelsea Market. She was radiantly beautiful (if a little shorter than I expected) in a tank top and peasant skirt, sporting what I imagine were very long blonde extensions. But there was something odd about her face - like a serious sunburn that was peeling.

My boyfriend and I saw Jon Stewart on Sunday at about 4:30 p.m. on 5th Avenue and 12th Street. He was with his wife (refreshingly normal looking) and his baby (very cute). He's quite short, but he was talking to the baby in a cooing, baby-talk voice, which normally I find nauseating, but with him it was endearing. Also, he was carrying the kid in one of those baby-slings, and I was afraid he was going to drop it, but he didn't. In the name of investigative journalism, we decided to follow them. They went into the Kate's Paperie on 13th Street, but we didn't go into the store, and we resisted all urges to throw ourselves at his feet and tell him how awesome he is.

spotted the ethereal (what kiehl's product is she rocking?) Julie Delpy at Soho House this evening, walking out of the room where all of us impassioned Democrats were watching the debate. I guess she's French and she doesn't care. I smiled at her, more in beatific joy at finding the debate playing in Soho house than at anything else, and her female friends glared at me.

9/30 Julie Delpy and friend heading up 5th avepassing in front of the new school. Julie had on white boots and patterned black stockings and looked like she had been caught in the rain.

Is Liv Tyler ever going to have that baby? I'm sure she's been pregnant for three years. Saw her yesterday morning (Wed 29th) across the street from her house in the Village talking to two older gents, rubbing her distended belly in that weird pregnant-woman way. Anyway, she looks incredible. I'd say prettier pregnant—somehow almost willowy.

On 9/29, I saw vincent gallo walking on prince by mercer. He was smallish, with full bushy beard and hunched over. He looked like marty feldman on a cell phone.

Stopped into Walgreen's on 33rd and 5th tonight (Thursday), and ran into Shandi from ANTM, working there. Smock and everything. Is this old news?

Saw Jimmy Fallon at Enid's in Greenpoint, Brooklyn on Tuesday Night. Was dressed in a red shirt & was with a long haired slightly older dude with glasses. Was very hyped up and seemed to have a lot of energy for someone on a random Tuesday night. Later on he chatted up a couple of hipsters and challenged one of the hot hipster dudes to an arm wrestling match. Jimmy won, but really, how hard can it be to arm wrestle a hipster?

saw anderson cooper walking his springer spaniel down e. 39th st. in a very random part of town wed night (last night). man, is he hot, for a gay. has white-silver hair and very lanky. i love him. but i'm on the wrong team.

While eating lunch on Hudson Street this afternoon I spotted soon-to-be Former NJ Governor Jim McGreevey strolling with a middle-aged woman who was definitely not his soon-to-be ex-wife. Someone whispered that the buxom blonde was a real estate agent and that McG is aching for a place in the West Village. First he switches teams and now he's switching states! At least he's steering clear of Chelsea—the last thing I need is to see him cruising Eighth Ave.

Saw the oddly hot Anthony LaPaglia and his bosomy wife Gia Carides with their little kid Sunday outside Balthazar. He was wearing khaki skater shorts and a neon green tee, walking up and down Spring on his cell phone. We also saw them inside the Portico down the street where we were shopping to kill time waiting. They were talking to the salespeople about whatever, and the kid comes up to Mama Gia and decides it's time for his brunch- he pulled her top down and latched on. She didn't even flinch, but pulled up her top over the exposed breast not being used. I would like to add that this kid must have been 3 years old. Way inappropriate. Maybe they do it differently Down Under.

Chatting with friends on 12th street between 5th and 6th last night when, with much sniffing and tail wagging, a very fluffy brown dog
inserted itself into our conversation circle. Looked up to see the owner of said errant pup was none other than Isaac Mizrahi, scowling into his Samsung cell. Is this Dr. Green s house? the fashion guru asked, and we replied that it unfortunately was not. One of the guys then gushed, Mr. Mizrahi, I love your work! , to which Isaac responded by snarling some more into his phone and yanking his sweet fluffy dog down the street. I note that he was wearing dark sweatpants, the kind that zip up at the bottom (although they were unzipped.)

Saw Lizzie Grubman with La La from MTV at the store opening. Would write something witty, but I'm hungover.

Sighting: Dennis Franz on 5th Ave. and surprisingly decent-looking. Tailored if everyman clothes, hair not freakish, face just fine.

Willem Dafoe walking down Broome St. around 8 in the morning singing do be do be do in the wrong melody. He was with a dark haired woman who I didn't recognize.

Eric Nies (late of the very first Real World) was on Lafayette heading to Crunch jamming on his ipod. He looked about the same some hair loss. If this was 1992 it truly would have been my 17 year old fantasy come true...

Brendan Sexton III (welcome to the doll house, black hawk down) was on 6th ave near 22nd lighting a cigarette.

Saw Ethan Hawke joshing around with a gaggle of men pals outside Crunch on Lafayette past its closing last night—midnight or so. Were they collecting their bikes from the bike racks or just hanging? He looked right at me and smiled. Much, much hotter and less haggard than one would be led to believe from "Before Sunset." Skin lovely and clear, facial hair trim and organized, great body. I'd go to Vienna with him any day.

saw alec baldwin and his girlfriend at the wednesday night showing of "here lies jenny". they were accompanied by a large woman who seemed like she was in a lot of emotional pain but maybe i was projecting. alec has a bod that looks like he'd make a good pot/rump roast but has a great head of hair and i must say made me short of breath. the older woman next to me (who had a valve opening and closing as if she were a female ignatius j. reilly throughout bebe's performance) agreed wholeheartedly how great he looks in person. he even carried stuff for his lady (who is no great shakes, i gotta say): a flacid backpack and a virgin megastore bag; aw, just like a tourist! i love you alec!

Saw Kerri Russell scoping out Barneys 7th and 8th floor Co-op in the Madison Ave store on Fri. She is teeny tiny- she must wear a size 24 jean, beautiful face, hair much less curly than in her Felicity days, and was wearing the requisite uniform- dark denim designer jeans (couldn't get close enough without seeming obvious to check out the brand), a navy 3/4 sleeve top, gold ballet flats, and a dark red shoulder purse.

Saturday, Oct. 2 at 12:00 on 57th St. and Broadway, Mary Louise Parker walking with her baby in a snuggli...looking like a proud mama.

Last night, Oct. 2 at the Patti Smith concert at Roseland. David Byrne looking very dapper and mingling with the general admission floor crowd before finding the VIP section. Already in the VIP section, Michael Imperioli (Christopher of the Sopranos) with his wife and friends. He must have thought he was at the Bada Bing while toking on a funny cigarette...way to go Christopher. Meanwhile Patti Smith was great, but what's with her still spitting! It looked like Lake Patti on that stage.

I'm not sure if this is cool or lame, so I'll just let you decide. I was eating lunch with a friend at Katz's Deli on Sunday around 1:30, when who should come over and sit at the table right next to us but Mike Tyson. He's just as scary in person, even with that stupid tattoo on his face. He was with 4 or 5 other guys, who were all very nice to the wait staff and tourists who came over for pictures and autographs. I offered my friend $100 to sing "I Think I Can Beat Mike Tyson" to him, but unfortunately he was too scared.

On a gorgeous Sunday afternoon in Washington Square Park, ran into Famke Janssen walking her Boston Terrier (who was having *way* too much fun trying to chase squirrels... the dog, not Famke.) Famke herself was very tall, drop-dead gorgeous in a nothing-special early-fall-in-the-Village ensemble of jacket, jeans and cap, and seemed really friendly and nice. Her little dog came over to check my dogs out and she gave us all collectively a very charming smile.

Last weekend, on 23rd st in chelsea, i saw ANTM "stylist" jay manuel. he is actually pretty tall and very attractive, however the whole orange skin/white hair thing is not looking too good on him! (does it look good on ANYONE?) jay, put down the bottles of fake bake and bleach and step AWAY! (seriously what is up with that? he's totally hot but is orange with white hair!)

Bill Rancic, the winner of the Apprentice, walking up 8th ave on Sunday night at 10:30 with a blonde girl. They were walking fast...

Saw Patricia Clarkson walking her dog up Sixth Avenue, near 13th Street. She looked casual and incredible.

Saw Brandon and Niki from Amazing Race waiting for the uptown N train at Prince Street on Tuesday. He looked illegally hot and she was really short for a Miss Texas.

Celebrity blogger James Wolcott looked frumpy and disgruntled crossing 6th avenue on Sunday. My friend screamed, "HEY WOLCOTT!" but he didn't turn around. Maybe he was lost in thought over a 34587-word Vanity Fair article.

Saw Glen Close walking by Pastis last Friday night - wearing a prison matron sort of gray pants suit.

Jennifer Connelly looking really plain-jane shopping for baby clothes in the west village on Friday.

Half King, 1:30 a.m. Standing outside, it's Inconsiderate Cell Phone Man. I have no clue what his real name is. I was tempted to walk by him while shouting "Marty you're a joker!" into my cell phone, but I imagine he gets that all ... the...fucking...time.

in front of a bodega near Marquee, 2:30 a.m. Mike Tyson, standing on the sidewalk with bodyguards in front of his limo. He was clearly shitfaced and was stuffing potato chips into his tatooed face. It's only a camera phone shot without a flash at night, but I did get a photo.

Saw Kelly Osbourne and some punky friends having dessert at Serendipity late Saturday night. It must have been one of their birthday s - or so I d like to think - because they got gift bags before they left, and well...we didn t.

I dont know if you give a crap, but I sighted Kyan from Queer Eye yesterday around 2.45 at a cafe in the East Village, with a sandy-blond male friend. Kyan was looking groomed & good, with aviator sunglasses .His friend was reading a book.

saturday (10/2) was the ultimate in gawker stalking. as i was getting my hair cut at robert kree on bleecker street, in came tiny, sorry, sarah jessica parker with wet hair for a blow-out. (perhaps matthew lovingly washed it for her that morning?) afterwards i headed up to rockefeller center where i saw jimmy fallon at the starbucks in the lower level. i was about to get in line and order something at random just so i could stand next to him, but i already drank a lot of coffee that morning and had to rush off to the loo. when i came out he had migrated to the newsstand. i couldn't see which magazines he was checking out. very cute. and then later on that evening, at seventeen (17th btwn 5th & 6th) owen wilson popped into the club right before we went in. needless to say, even off in the v.i.p. section, his blond mess of hair and prominent nose could not be missed.

I saw Minnie Driver walking down 7th Street in between Avenues A and B towards the greenmarket on Sunday afternoon. She was with some skinny, clean-cut-Vincent-Gallo-esque guy and had her hand partially tucked into his underwear. My girlfriend and I contemplated robbing her, but we went and and got G&T's instead.

Does anyone remember the ex-leader of the band on Saturday Night Live, G.E. Smith? Someone must remember his peroxided ponytail and camera hogging hammy grin. No grin last week in midtown on 8th Avenue, blonde ponytail, downright skanky. I'm amazed he was actually married to Gilda Radner; what could she have been thinking?

Saw Elefant's ever-gorgeous Argentinian front-man Diego Garcia eating outside Cafe Habana take out on Saturday. Was wearing all black with a brass-looking tribal bracelet. It says something when you're the tallest, best-looking man in the Cafe Habana setting.

On Sunday, my friends and I spotted Giovani Ribisi and Tim Roth, also wearing black, sitting in the corner of the near-empty Rialto (also on Elizabeth St.). We sent our English friend over to chat them up and they were both quite nice.

I saw Ashley Olsen at Barneys on madison ave on fri. She was buying jeans and she was behind the jeans counter with the workers. If I didnt here her transexual type voice I would have never noticed her. Her big russian bodyguard was standing near the dressing room and i ask him how to get to the mens side of barneys and he gave me the wrong directions (what a dipshit).